{Smoke filled air.}

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Obanai was riding his bike through the slums, his messenger bag holding a very important letter, to get to the high end of Japan he had to ride through the slums. Smoke filled the air, he kept coughing. When he finally made it out of the slums he took out the sealed letter. He dropped out of school once he learned his letters. So he went to find the house the letter was addressed to. When he pulled up to the home, his eyes widened. Even from outside he could smell the scent of fresh baked bread. He parked his bike and went up the front steps. He saw the colorful flowers. He kept going up the stairs till he made it to the tall wood door. He knocked, after a moment he heard shuffling around inside. When the door opened, a beautiful lady stood before him. She was wearing a pink silk dress, her pink and green ombré hair in a thick braid. She was much taller then he was, maybe 5,9? She was quite muscular to. A little chubby, obanai felt his heart race. He handed her the letter with a shaky hand. "Oh my! How kind of you to bring me this. Come inside! Il make some tea. That is, if you have time of course." "I do.." "great! Do come inside." She smiled brightly at him. He noticed her gap in her 2 front teeth. He smiled a bit, she was very endearing, obanai was the opposite. He was short, very skinny, had crooked teeth, wore a mask, and was terrified of woman. "I'm mitsuri kanroji! You?" "Iguro obanai.." "pleased to met you. Please sit down!" She pointed to a huge comfy seat. He nodded and sat down, he handed her the letter. She smiled and thanked him, she quickly opened it and read it. She seemed focused, she quickly wrote back a letter. She put it in a pink envelope with roses on it. She took out her quill and wrote in gold. "Here dear, when you head back mind giving this back?" "Of course not.." She smiled and lead him to a extravagant dining room. "What type of tea do you like?" "I've never had tea.." her eyes widened. She decided to make him camomile tea. She put out some cookies to. Whenever he sipped his tea he would turn away and lower his mask. She was confused, but didn't pry as it wasn't her business. He eventually had to leave. He thanked her and walked off. "Do be safe!" She called out. A white fluffy cat in her arms. She waved bye. He rode off on his bike, he was confused. He was never shown such kindness. It made him feel odd in his chest, he also had never seen such a beautiful woman, or person in that matter. He really didn't like woman, they scared him due to his past. He always saw them as pests. But..she treated him like he was precious, like he was worth something.

Mitsu pov:
I heard a knock at my front door. My letter must have arrived! I opened the door while skipping downstairs, when I looked down at the messenger my heart skipped a beat, he was so beautiful, and his eyes where entrancing. She had never seen such a beautiful man before. She quickly invited him in. He obliged , she lead him to her study. She was handed the letter , and as usual she quickly wrote a response. She had invited the man in for tea earlier, so she went to the kitchen to brew some. She was shocked when he said he had never had tea. So she made him her favorite, camomile with honey. Her personal favorite. She made cookies also. Whenever he drank or ate anything, he would turn around and pull his mask off. Which was odd..but sadly, he eventually had to leave. She waved goodbye. "Do be safe!!" Her heart hurt when he had to go. She was glad to have company, but she slowly started to panic. Did he leave that quickly because he saw her as weird? Or ugly? She was a big worry wort, she knew this. But due to her past failed marriages it was hard to not think so negatively. She eventually just played with her cats. "I think I'm in love.."

Obanais pov/3rd person. Kinda a mix.:
Obanai was riding his bike back through the slums. It had gotten dark out, so The homeless were gathered around small fires to keep warm. He sighed and finally made it back to the large factory. He parked his bike once agian and went upstairs to his bosses office. He bowed when his boss turned to him. "Here's the letter from Ms. Kanroji." "Thank you. Im Sure Your confused on why there's so many letters going out to her? If you delivered them or if someone else did." Iguro nodded. "Yes sir." His boss laughed and explained that The heir of the company needed to find a wife. So a letter was being sent out to all the noble woman." "Oh." His boss dismissed him. Obanai walked down the old wood stairs. That's weird, where woman not aloud to love a man they choose? He never knew that. So he was confused. After a few more hours, (around 3:46 am) Obanai was aloud to go home. He rode to his small apartment. It was enough for him as it was just him and his snake, kabaramaru. When he entered he smiled to himself, his snake was sleeping peacefully in his enclosure. As he got ready for bed he still couldn't stop thinking of Ms. Kanroji, she really was breathtaking...the more he thought about her, he realized she truly was a noble woman, who just happened to be scary beautiful. The pearl necklaces that hung around her neck, how her nails were painted a baby pink and had flowers on them, How her voice was so soothing, and how she got excited over small things. He sighed, why was he thinking like this?..it's not like he's in love or anything. He took off his mask and didn't bother to look himself in the mirror. He just laid down and drifted off to sleep.

Not proof read('∀`*)
Hc credit for future chaps Mother_Tamayo ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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