Chapter 39

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When Chaeyoung approached the veranda, suddenly heard a chocking sound and her keen ear immediately recognized it to be her husband's

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When Chaeyoung approached the veranda, suddenly heard a chocking sound and her keen ear immediately recognized it to be her husband's.

"Emperor! Where have you been?" Chaeyoung spun on her heel almost quickly with relief. 

"Are you okay? You seem disturbed! "He asked, voice filled with concern.  Out of consternation chaeyoung didn't care to recognize his voice. Her eyes were kindling with fury. Instinctively she charged herself upon him, pushing him hard in the chest.

“How dare you touch me? Do you  have any conscience of who I am?” She growled like a tigress but the bearer, responsively grabbing both her arms, clamped them against her sides, holding her immobile. She struggled to get free, but he maintained his hold.

"Let me go. Otherwise I will cut your head off " chaeyoung screamed. But he merely smirked in amusement when she scowled at him heatedly. He could feel her trying to wriggle her arm free from his grasp, and when she failed, it only made him smirk wider. She is indeed different than any other women in his palace, feisty and undaunted.

"It's me chaeyoung. Calm down!" He gently released her arms. Then removed his fake moustache and whiskers, tamed his frizzy hair with both of his hands, revealing his true self to her.

"Emperor! Was it you?. What is the meaning of all of this? " Chaeyoung rasped. She could not scream this time; rage and embarrassment leapt at her throat. She inched towards him as the frustration, anger, and something else that she couldn't quite figure out pulled her in. 

Chaeyoung made a hurtful face and Jungkook saw her breasts heaving from the force of her aggravation. She wanted to scream at him, but the wordless scream was stifled in her dry throat. It was full of bubbling sobs instead, the tears coursing down her face. Though she has every right to be cross sigh him now, he couldn’t help but admire how magnificent she was in a full-blown rage some moments ago.Now he felt his heart crunching in his chest when he took in her sobs; even then her head held high and her fiery temper clearly visible in her chocolate eyes. Oh God, he can't see her sad face.

"Oh don't cry chaeyoung. I am truly sorry for what trouble I had caused you, truly I am. I didn't meant to hurt your feelings" she heard him say softly, almost gently, his eyes tender..

"I disguise like this because security reasons. The unseen enemies are the most dangerous ones chaeyoung. And I have countless number of enemies who are waiting for an opportunity to kill me, whether it is inside my palace or outside fort" he kept his voice calm and collect, trying to make his point.

As soon as Jungkook spoke chaeyoung abruptly clamped his mouth with her hand as he saw her anger fading instantly. Her features immediately morphed from an indignant frown to tenderness. While with wide, flummoxed eyes, he looked down slowly and strangely enough, his heart started thumping with a new vigor whilst she felt her heart threatening to leap out from her chest at the close proximity.

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