Welcome to the Playground

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Hey everybody! Thankyou so much for taking time out of your busy day to read this mess of a story!

 I will warn you that because the movie/musical this story is based off, there will be murder, suicide, coarse language, mentions of eating disorders, and implied sexual content (No I will not be writing explicit smut... Sorry!)
 If any of this upsets you feel free to find another great story to read!
There will also be terrible grammar and possible spelling mistakes and slow updates. (Just a forewarning)
 Anyways Happy reading My lovelies!  

(All of these characters belong to creators of Heathers the movie and musical!)

"Shut. Up. Heather."

The words radiated through my skull, spilling more unconcealed poison into my brain as I summoned the courage to look up and glance at the blonde beauty before me. Cold blue eyes were staring back at me, strangling me, stealing my ability to speak. It was condescending and humiliating, and I spent my nights wishing for a way to fight it.

I wanted to try, but the eyes had a grip on me, and they were never letting go.

I wasn't the first to try and fight back, of course. Not everybody had patience for Heather's unapologetic actions like Heather McNamara. So, it was inevitable that another had tried, a fellow comrade I would consider her, aside from the fact that she hated my guts.

The girl was clad in blue, who still had a sliver of stubbornness in her eyes. Veronica Sawyer, although still abiding in the safety of our table in the center of the cafeteria, had been taught a lesson that would be hard to forget. A consequence for her disobedience. Heather had warned me that if I tried to stand up for myself, I would end up like her.

She was completely annihilated in front of the whole school when the Red Heather pushed the poor girl against a locker, using a colorful choice of words to get her point across, then left her on the floor for the dogs of the school to do with her as they will. All because she had stood up for a person she considered a friend who didn't match up to the social standards. Martha Dunnstock.

Still, despite Heather ruling overall, somehow hurting Veronica had brought down her reputation considering Veronica was a well-liked student and had worked to gain respect. But if I were placed in Veronica's position, nobody else would care.

And quite frankly, Veronica might be able to take it. She had been at the bottom of the school only a few months earlier, but I couldn't. I was a 'cry-baby'. I couldn't handle being with the scum of Westerberg, and that was used against me. Heather never ceased to tell me that she was the only reason I wasn't the one being pushed in the hallways, being laughed at, being mocked. Heather, Chandler, my lifesaver and worst enemy. Along with Heather McNamara and Veronica Sawyer, she had single-handedly raised us up on a pedestal of glory where people stared with fear and respect as we walked past, people begging for us to spare them even a look.

So while people stared, watching us walk with elegance and dignity down the hallways of Westerberg High,
-the hell hole of a school,-
 I still found myself wanting to be Heather Chandler, the iconic one. I wanted to be the one they looked to for guidance.

I knew I could be a better ruler than Heather, instead of living my whole life in her perfect shadow. People gave her jealous glances as she flaunted her body, and guys practically drooled the second she shot them a glance. Then we have Heather McNamara. She was far from perfect; I would describe her like a picture that radiated happiness but the frame was cracked and the glass was shattered, yet somehow she was still more admired than me.

Maybe it was the type of aura and her sweet attitude that she radiated. She often smiled at her adoring fans with an occasional wink at people she fancied. She wasn't as downright mean as the Heather in red, but she was manipulative with her kindness, and in my eyes, that made her dangerous.

Veronica Sawyer was the odd one out, but in a good way. For one, she was the only one who didn't share the name 'Heather', but she was most known for her witty remarks and her backbone at challenging Heather Chandler, which made her gain respect almost immediately, even though Heather Chandler tried her best to humiliate her and squash her reputation.

Then there was the last member of the clique. Me, dressed in an ugly puke green blazer that Heather Chandler forced me to wear under the claim that it made the green in my eyes stand out, but I knew that it was a downright mockery of my eating disorder. Yet saying something would lead to the high school equivalent of death, so I never spoke up.

I never challenged anything, and I took my humble place as the girl known as 'the Heather who runs the yearbook with no discernible personality but at least she has big boobs'. Heather Duke, the outcast that Chandler kept around as her personal punching bag.

So as I'm brought back to the present, I glance over at Heather McNamara, trying to find some help and any indication that she would stand up for me, but the yellow Heather offered an apologetic smile, failing to side with the person she swore was her friend, who was currently hearing an earful from Chandler. It had become an undisputable reality of my life that I would never be as powerful as Heather Chandler. As long as she was alive, I would always be the second choice, the unnoticeable shadow.

And I would never be as lovable as Heather McNamara. I couldn't act up to the same flair of innocence with an adorable giggle and cheerful personality that made eyes fly to her as she threw a wave at some fortunate people.

Lastly, I would never be as intelligent as Veronica Sawyer. I would never be able to have the courage to look straight into Heather Chandler's eyes and outrightly disagree with her. I wouldn't be able to keep on top of all the homework and get all high grades. I couldn't face all hate with a condescending look of disgust and a comment that would make the whole cafeteria go silent like Veronica.

I was the underdog; every one of my talents or unique traits had been overtaken, all my pride for everything I stood for had fallen with my self-esteem.

I used to claim my spot as the smartest until Veronica Sawyer wiggled her way into the group.

And I would never know what being the most powerful felt like, to have all eyes on you for direction.

Maybe that's why I reached for the sky the second the chance came. The chance to hold the reigns. I woke up the morning after spending another night at a wasted party Heather Chandler forced me to, despite her knowing how much I hated parties. That was the morning that changed my world forever as I picked up the ringing phone to the teary voice of Heather McNamara as she delivered the news.

Heather Chandler had committed suicide.

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