Chapter 40

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"Remember me," a voice slurred from above

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"Remember me," a voice slurred from above. A sandaled foot came crashing to a stop on the empty seat nearby.

When Chaeyoung looked upward, her eyes thinned in disgust. The same whelp whom they had encountered in the streets. Now he wasn't alone. He had brought three friends along with him. And just like him they were also throwing prurient gaze at her. Disgust was welling up in her heart for them. In their eyes she could clearly make out the secret flame of desolate lust.

"You don't want to make a scene here. Apparently, this is too popular a venue," Jungkook said, his lips thinned in a displeased, acrid line, the tension banding across his features.

"For lecherous crooks and kings of old alike," she quipped under her breath.

"What did you say?" the young man drawled, he was clearly too inebriated to fully understand.

"Never mind. What do you want?" she asked rudely.

The young man stood up on a chair nearby, leering down at her.

"yeong is my name. I like your spirit by the way. And I'd like to share a recent observation about, this one here?" He gestured toward Jungkook with his thumb.

"Your so called husband, he looks sturdy though. Unfortunately it seems like an absolute wimp for a celestial nymph like you. I think you're much better suited for a man with strength and charm. Such as myself."

She was about to stand up and give him a piece of her mind, but Jungkook reached across the table and placed his against her shoulder to prevent her from doing so.

"Listen, this is going to be so much easier on everybody if you just calmly walk away from here" Jungkook said in a controlled way but his wife was long past the point of trying to make an act of truce. She was furious with her husband. Is this the same emperor who is so renowned for his explosive anger? Why did he not rebel hearing that his wife was to be turned into an object of enjoyment for these vile men. Out of agitation she decided to raise her voice

"You seem to have forgotten-in a rather short time, I might add-that you called my husband's mother a whore. You are a no gentleman. In what world do you think I would prefer you to any man, wimpy or not?"At this, Jungkook's head twisted to hers, his eyes registering a hint of warning. And the edge of his lips twitching.

Yeong ginned at her as his friends behind him laughed at her temerity.

"Uff! Such a haughty woman. I happened to have a great appreciation of women of this ilk. Who will not be attracted to a feisty beauty like you? Whoever is not attracted is either no man or is a eunuch or lifeless. See when I told my friends about your beauty, they wanted to just catch a glimpse of you at first. After they had seen you changed the whole plan. They are not to blame. Whoever has seen a beauty like you once - how can he rest without getting her?" He winked at her wickedly and the laughter behind him grew louder.

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