new readers and side quests

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"I think I might've broken the camera- whatever, anyways, hello!!" Holograph backed away from the camera. "Just an update, we've just gained a couple more reads, almost 2k!!! Woohoo!! (voting helps hehe)"

"Time for dares! Thank you, rUbyEy3s !!!"

"Time for dares! Thank you, rUbyEy3s !!!"

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"My stars... why is the image so big on my end... first dare!" Holograph looked at the dare. "Alien- which is Mars- becomes a table and chair for half and half of the chapter, which I'm gonna forget, so table for the entire chapter!"

"Wait, why do I keep getting transfor-"


t a b l e

"Wait what" said Marstable.

"Yes, you're gonna be sentient for this."

"Oh, okay."

"Next dare! Jupin- STOP IM NOT SAYING THE NAME- Jupiter and Saturn kiss." Holograph went on pleasantly.

"Oh, er, okay..." Jupiter leaned over and kissed Saturn on the cheek, who flushed slightly, smiling at each other. (YAOI)

"Aawwwe!! Next dare! Everyone listen to their playlist! I really can't right now, and probably won't have time later to write, so I guess not this time. Sorry!!! I'll edit this if I get to listen to it."

"Next dare! Mercury, go into the asteroid belt to see a hidden planet!!"

"Woah, what??" Mercury said. Venus then shoved him into the asteroid belt.

"ACK- I- I don't see anything, so AAAAAAA OH MY STARS THATS CERES" Mercury shot out of the asteroid belt, terrified.

"I honestly don't think that was the hidden planet they were talking about, but next dare! Well, ask. Sun, do you ship any planets?"

"Mmmmmaaaybbeee..... YOU'LL NEVER KNOW!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Sun responded.

"😦 I mean, next ask... Luna, when was the last time you were a blood moon?"

"Er..." Luna thought for a moment. "Can't remember exactly when, but I think it was maybe 2-3 earthling years ago? I think it was 2021." (google <3)

"Nice, next ask! Earth, how do you feel about your earthlings evolving and getting smart?" Holograph read aloud.

"I'm really proud!! It's incredible how they made such a large leap in evolution. They've come a long way, but sometimes I wish they didn't." Earth said.

"Good answer... next ask, do you all like their nicknames?" Holograph asked. "Jupiter is Jupinerd.... sigh... Saturn is Rings, Earth is Life, Luna is... well, Luna. Mars is Alien, and Mercury is Mini."

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