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I dragged myself to my room, my feet were heavy and my head spun. Coming back from work made me not want to do anything but lay down and watch netflix. I was ready to collapse on my bed when I saw something, a letter.
A letter that had only two words. Two simple words that made my heart drop. Two words that made me unable to move. Two words that paralysed my entire body.
'I'm back.'

I laughed, my voice went higher in pitch. This is just a joke right. Right? It has to be. I scrunched the paper with my sweaty hands and tossed it into a nearby bin.
I texted my friend, Melody, to take my mind of off the letter, but the feeling of eyes never left.
I told Melody about the letter and she reassured me that it was probably nothing to worry about, my nerves eased a bit but the sense of danger lingered in my soul and I couldn't help but feel paranoid by everything.

I woke up to a bright light streaming through my curtains. When did I fall asleep? As I got up, I felt a sharp pain shoot down my spine, I really need a new mattress. Unfortunately, the coffee shop I work at does not pay very well so until i get a raise, I shall suffer.
I walked groggily to my bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush, still half asleep as I brushed my teeth. I opened my brand new bottle of face wash and began washing my face. Wait, i swear i ran out of face wash, i didnt buy anymore did i? Im pretty sure i didnt, so why is it here? The events of last night flooded my mind as I remembered the letter. No, I'm sure it's nothing, I'm really forgetful, I probably bought it myself and just don't remember it.
I finished my morning routine and got dressed in my uniform, I sighed. Today was going to be a long day, atleast I get to take a day off tommorow.

Getting out of my humid car, I noticed something. That's strange, I've never seen that person before, probably new to town. I assured myself that they were visiting family or they just  moved in, but I couldn't shake the unease that latched onto my mind as I made eye contact with the man. He looked to be in his mid 30s, he was very tall but looked like he had a rough life.
Slowly, the man turned around and walked back to wherever he came from
Forcing a smile onto my pale face, I walked inside and greeted my coworkers.°
I went to the back and opened my locker to put my stuff away, but as I did, a letter fell out and fluttered to the ground.
My throat dried up as I stared at the letter that sat so innocently on the gray, concrete floor.
With shaky hands, I picked it up, carefully unfolding it. In a big, messy font, the words, 'Don't Trust Her', was spread on the paper.
I could feel a burning sensation in my throat, tears threatening to fall as I became dizzy. Then, the world tilted and my vision blurred, everything went black as my head made contact with the cold surface.

(Sry if the grammar is bad icba fixing it rn)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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