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"The Cave opened.", she felt her heart skipping a beat as she heard those words coming from a elderly couple talking in the close distance.
In the heart of this land, a long-forgotten Cave emerged from the shadows, its entrance beckoning like a gaping mouth ready to devour the souls of the curious. The townsfolk huddled together, exchanging fearful glances, their eyes widened with trepidation.

The wind howled through the trees, carrying with it a sense of foreboding. The moon cast an eerie glow upon the land, casting long, twisted shadows that danced along the ground. It was as if the very fabric of reality was distorted in this cursed place.

Whispers spread through the village, tales of the cave's dark history. Legends told of restless spirits, trapped within its depths, longing for release. Superstitions warned of malevolent creatures lurking in the darkness, waiting to ensnare unsuspecting souls.

Each step closer to the cave's mouth felt like a descent into the abyss, the air growing colder, the shadows deeper. Goosebumps prickled along their skin, and a shiver ran down their spines as they contemplated the unknown horrors that laid within.

As the massive doors of the cave slowly swung open, a sense of foreboding filled the air. The sight that emerged from the depths was nothing short of chilling, sending a collective shiver down the spines of all who beheld it.

The darkness within seemed to possess a life of its own, swallowing any trace of light that dared to penetrate its depths. A bone-chilling gust of wind escaped, carrying with it an indiscernible whisper that seemed to echo through the very souls of those present.

The atmosphere grew heavy, thick with an otherworldly presence that permeated the air. A cold, damp mist clung to the walls, adding to the eerie ambiance that enveloped the cave.

As she felt her heart pounding with fear, she walked briskly through the bustling streets. The air was filled with a sense of urgency as whispers of bad news echo from every corner. People huddled in groups, their voices carryed snippets of the troubling information. Lorette's mind raced, trying to process it all, but her main focus was reaching the sanctuary of her home.

Each step she took was fueled by a desperate need to find solace within the familiar walls. Her pace quickened, her eyes fixed on the path ahead, oblivious to the world around her. The weight of the news bears down on her shoulders, making each breath feel heavy.

Finally, Lorette reached her doorstep, her safe haven. She stepped inside, closing the door behind her, shutting out the noise of the outside world.
"I'm here!" she yelled rushing towards the living room, hoping to find her small friend group sitting on her couch.

"Eleven hikers found dead in the mountain forest burned unrecognisable, families are still searching for-" coming from TV news reporter that's walking around the crime scene, untouched like it happens every day.

"Lorette what are you going to do about this?" Finn asked.

Finn was one of the friends in the small friend group she had around herself. She was always alone, her entire up growing she was bullied, he was the first one who stood by her side.

"i don't think you're a freak." he said picking up her grocories from the floor, first time they met in a park.

"Maybe I am." she responded fixing her hair trying to hide the fact that she was blushing. That's was the first time ever a boy was nice to her.

She wasn't an ugly teen, quite the opposite. Her red hair, it was like a wicked flame that danced in the shadows, casting a spell of both fear and fascination. It was as if she was a mysterious villain, with a beauty that sent chills down everyone's spine. People were spooked by her presence, but there was no denying the captivating allure of her crimson locks. It was a unique combination of darkness and beauty.
Her eyes felt almost unreal to look at.

Light blue eyes were like sparkling sapphires, dancing with a mesmerizing glow. They were as rare as a shooting star, captivating anyone who had the privilege to gaze into them. The color was so vivid, like a slice of the clearest sky on a perfect summer day. That's partially why she was called a freak.

Real reason behind it however, was that when she was eleven the kid from her class got in a fight with her about the school project.

Yelling at her in the school park, in one moment she felt threatened by him swinging his hand towards her so she instinctively shoved the bully away. Time slowed down as he tumbled backward, surrounded by a whirlwind of shocked voices. Concerned onlookers rushed to his aid, their urgent cries filled the air. But as the bully lied still on the ground, a hushed silence fell over the scene. A small trickle of blood seeped from beneath his head, creating a chilling contrast against the pavement.

After she went through that accident, everything was absolutely terrifying. The fear and shock were overwhelming. It was the kind of thing that could leave deep emotional scars and haunt someone for a long time. Nobody blamed her however, everyone saw what was happening and they knew it was only a matter of self defense.

Except for the kids from school, they found a way to bully her into even worse darkness that was already surrounding her.

So when she discovered she had magic, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Instead of feeling excited for the ability to bring magic back to life, she felt a sense of dread or even cursed. Magic can be a double-edged sword, after all. It comes with a price and consequences that she couldn't fully comprehend at first.

As she delved deeper into her magical abilities, she realized that they came with a dark side. The power she possessed had a tendency to corrupt and consume her. It became a constant struggle to resist the allure of using her magic for selfish or destructive purposes. The shadows seemed to follow her wherever she went, and she couldn't trust anyone.

In the darker version, her journey became a battle for survival, both against external threats and the darkness within herself. It was a constant struggle to maintain her sanity and resist succumbing to the temptations of her magic.

But then she met him, Finn Silverthorn.

Finn, a young man of fourteen when he first crossed paths with Lorette, has now blossomed into a mature twenty-six-year-old. Standing tall with an unassuming presence, he possesses an understated attractiveness that lied beyond the surface. His brown hair, tousled and full of life, framed a face that exuded warmth and approachability. His deep, expressive brown eyes held a glimmer of curiosity and kindness, drawing others into his world.

As the years have passed, his character has evolved. From his humble beginnings, he has grown into a man of steadfast reliability and unwavering loyalty. His genuine smile, a beacon of light, illuminated the lives of those around him. Finn's unassuming nature belies a quiet confidence that has developed over time, allowing him to embrace his own unique qualities and embrace the person he has become.

His presence always brought solace and comfort to Lorette and the others who have had the privilege of knowing him. His genuine heart and unwavering support made him a pillar of strength and a true friend.

When Lorette and Finn were young, Lorette had a special bond with him. She didn't necessarily have a crush on him, but she relied on him as a close friend and confidant.

They were always there for each other, through thick and thin. Whenever Lorette needed someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on, Finn was right by her side.

Whether it was navigating the ups and downs of school, dealing with family stuff, or just going on adventures together, Lorette knew she could count on Finn. He was like her rock, always there to lend a listening ear and offer support.

Their friendship was built on trust, understanding, and shared experiences. They had each other's backs and created countless memories together. Lorette felt incredibly lucky to have someone like Finn in her life, someone she could truly rely on.

The Cave opening: Secrets of the WitchWhere stories live. Discover now