Wild Flame

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-MORGON CARTER- A waitress / apprentice to become a tigress.

-QUINN JOHNSON- Prince of Louisiana's were-tigers and five thousand years old.

-JACKSON HARRIS- Mentor to Morgan and trying to teach her to control the tiger inside of her.

-JOHNATHON- Morgan's little brother ,and she has been taking care of him since their parents died.(he is 9 years old & Morgan is now 23)


Jackson found Morgan at a diner in Canada and sensed she was a tigress, but not only a tigress, but one with powers, but she also wasn't a full tigress. Jackson was confused about this young women who was she? He thought he better sick around and find out since most of the females in his race didn't make it to 18 and the females who did couldn't keep their cub alive, they didn't live past 3 months after birth. But she older than 18, why? He could sense the tigers were near, they were once were-tigers but could no longer remember what it was like to feel and they took the were-tigresses, the few that were still alive. He knew they were after her, she wasn't mated yet, he needed to help her find her soul mate and teach her what she was, for his race could not lose anymore of their females.

Morgan could feel someone watching her but she didn't feel threatened, she'd seen that man here for three days now and she knew he was watching her but meant her no harm. Why was he here, what did he want? Her little brother was at the table in the corner, coloring in his favorite book, she sensed he was safe but needed to make sure , he was all she had left after her parents died.

The next day she worked the night-sift , it had been a long night and the man was always there when she was there. She was to tired to care anymore, she had no were to go and there was a blizzard coming. The man got up quick-like and walked to her, pushed her down just as a tiger came thought the window. The man was now naked but was turning into a tiger also, and the two fought the one who came thought the window was coming toward her with death in it's eyes. The other tiger jump on top of him and they rowed , clawed and bite each other until one ripped the others jaw apart. And resumed his form, he was the one who pushed her ,saved her.

Morgan knew she should be running for her life as the man donned his clothes, but she couldn't move. The man picked her up carried her out before the cops got there. When they were in her truck she could finally talk, she asked him "Who are you ?"

Jackson turned his head "How are you alive, most females do not make it to 18 let alone 23. You are a were-tigress who needs to find a mate, why were you not bound at 18?"

"Who are you ?" she asked again. "I'm not a tigress, why was there a tiger in the diner, and trying to kill me?" "Who the hell are you ?" "I'm Jackson Harris a male were-tiger."

Jackson, Morgan and Johnathon are now on the run, because the tigers are after Morgan. Jackson now needs to find a way to keep Morgan safe, since she is 23 and a some-what were-tigress. But first he needs to find out as much about her as possible, so he's going to see the oracle Madam Elise - the oldest and most wisest of all . Morgan now thinks she has lost her mind or she is dreaming and can't wake up, but she needs to keep Johnathon safe. Morgan has tried to read Jackson's mind but he seems to be blocking her, how can he do that ?

"We're going to see an oracle named Madam Elise, she might be able to tell us why your still alive and what we need to do next " The road was getting dark and Morgan had no idea how she got herself into or how to get out. Jackson was telling her all kinds of stuff she didn't know about like were tigers and why they had to find a mate and now we're going to see an oracle ? Things couldn't get worse.

They pulled up to an old cabin covered with snow and looked deserted " Come on, lets find out what's this about." Morgan was so wrong things were going to get much more worse than they were, she couldn't move at first but when the ice cold wind hit her she realized 1she wanted to know what was going on and 2 she had no choice and no where to go. So Morgan took her little brother who was a sleep and carried him to the cabin. The door opened before they got to it and Jackson just walked in and she fallowed. Jackson was whispering to the beautiful , young woman in the chair, then at once the woman was up, and had a big smile on her face and said " Johnathon may sleep on the couch, while I read your future"

Madam Elise brought Morgan to the back room, and said "It's not a dream, and you will not wake up, please have a set, Jackson will watch over Johnathon." "How did you know what I was thinking?" "I'm a very old oracle so I've picked up a lot of things over the time." Morgan sat down and gave Madam Elise her hand and the look on Madam Elise's face was very worried and confused look, finally she put her hand down and said, "From what I've picked up you are half were tigress and physic, you will become a full were tigress when your mate finds and converts you, but you will run because you are afraid, but you must overcome this fear. For you will change our future and it will be bright. Your brother also plays a very important part, also in the future." "But I don't want any of this and why are tigers after me?" " Because if you fail too help lead your race it will die out, so the tigers are the enemy, and they want your race to end." " But it's not my race and I refuse to be apart of this." " Like I said "you will run" but hopefully you will make the right choice."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2009 ⏰

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