Rule #2

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What did I do wrong? Is all I can think of as I'm brought to my new owners office. (He legit owns my soul)  I was gambled off like

like idk I never had enough money to gamble but still it fucking hurts

I did everything Valentino asked and more. I'm shaking and thoroughly terrified what does he want with me

Ok so I have a secret I hate sex it makes me feel sick but it was the only way to provide for my sister In life and I got tricked back into it in death
I'm just hoping it isn't some sexual sicko

I step into the office and see a guy maybe early thirties with Black hair that fades to red. Tiny deer antlers. a red striped button up shirt black pants and red shoes. Red eyes, and black eyelashes. Black bow tie with red accents

"Hello sir, since your boss gambled your soul and lost. You will now work at my casino. I will go over a few rules.
1.Don't try to flirt with me
2.If someone touches you in a way you don't like, you have my full permission to beat the sh*t out of them.
3.Please try to be nice to patrons.

Well that was slightly less terrifying than I thought it would be

Secret #2 I go semi verbal (and/or stutter) when Im scared sometimes including now so I try to find a way to tell him okay but idk how he'd take a nod so yeah silently stressing

"Just nod if you understand me please" I hope he can't see my blush as I nod vigorously

Okay so he's not as crazy as I thought he would be thank wtv tf were supposed to say here

Wait I live with Valentino where am I going to live well not live but yk I try to bring it up not knowing how he'll react "um sorry but where am I supposed to live now?" I say quietly

“Oh! Do you need a place to stay? We have a few rooms here at the casino if you want to stay here. And I’ve heard that there’s this place called the Hazbin Hotel, if you want to get redeemed and stuff. I don’t really know of anywhere else you could stay. Oh one more thing, work life and personal life is separate. Please don’t cause drama.”

“I think I'll stay here if that's ok….” “Of course it's okay!” I flinch involuntarily a side effect of my wonderful childhood and hope that he didn't notice it “thanks” I say nervously

“I do have one question for you though, you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to. Why the porn industry?” “i didn't really have a choice i needed to provide for my sister.” I say reluctantly.It wasn't exactly the question i was expecting (something sexual YUCK)  “Oh! You have a sibling? I do too, although I haven’t seen him in… never mind it doesn’t matter. I almost forgot, in the rooms there’s just basic clothes. If you want anything specific then just ask me. Also if you want certain snacks in the employee room then just ask as well.”

“Thank you. Could I have a tour? I don't even know where my room would be." I keep thinking OMFG Stop. being. Shy. it must be so annoying like Valentino says or i guess said

“Oh! Yes of course, right now I’m busy. So another one of the employees will be showing you to the living quarters and tomorrow they’ll help train you at the job,” i simply nod even though my anxiety is fucking through the roof but he cant know that or hell sell me or something. He picks up his phone and i try to listen but all i hear is Orion coming from him wait what's his name?????

A guy walks i guess it's Orion  “Hello, I’m Orion, I will show you to your room,” i was right. He then puts his hand on my shoulder, which would've been fine if I wasn't overstimulated already so it just makes me wanna cry but I won't

After we step into the hallway I ask “I'm sorry but what's his name?” “Our boss?” I just nod “Victor” he seems off since I asked only using very brief descriptions of the rooms we passed in a slightly annoyed tone

Till we got to a more secluded area and he stopped and looked at me “I guess the rumors are true then Valentino only wants the hottest guys and you sir are smoking too bad he didn't care about you anymore then I could've gotten a piece"

suddenly Im super conscious of everything the nearest crowded room is a good couple minutes run and he walking faster than me there's no footsteps anywhere close and we were in a security camera blind spot 

Fuck I'm screwed I just keep my head down and stay quiet

“Who knew a porn star like you would be so shy come on loosen up were colleagues so your stuck with me might as well get used to it” he slaps my butt as he says the last word

I know Victor said I have permission to beat him to a pulp but he's easily twice my size and it wouldn't be my first time having that type of shit happen to me I mean I am a prostitute or was? I'm not sure what victor's plan for me is
I hope it's was

Victor freaking appeared behind me (weird I usually hear footsteps) “What just happened, Hm? What was that smack sound?” he asks Orion. “Uh.. it was nothing sir…?” He replies. “What happened, Aulus? What did he do?”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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