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Sometimes, people ask me why I read.

I always say, "Because I can."

However, it's way deeper than that.

I read because I love getting lost in another world, full of dragons and mermaids, war and peace, love and hate. I read because I love to get away from everything real for hours and live in another universe. I love getting away from this world when it isn't enough. I read because I fall in love with others.

And, although that might sound amazing, everything good has a bad side as well.

When I stop reading and pause my book, I realize the dragons and mermaids are gone. There are different wars and there is different peace. The real world is back, boring and horrible as ever. The characters that I love are gone, It's like they just died. The boys I've fallen in love with aren't real.

But, even though it's horrible, I love it.

Because I have the memories.

In real life, I will see someone drinking water or walking a certain way, and I will think, "Hmm, that's what Hagrid (as an example) in Harry Potter did!" There are characters everywhere. I realize more about people. And it makes me laugh, Seeing how books are just a version of us. Just people and worlds exaggerated. The real world is truly beautiful, but books make it so much better, They make us better.

And that's the real reason I read. 

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