Before The Ball

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Maria came running in Terra's room in the early morning, she was followed in by at least seven maids. Terra was rudely awaken by Maria who dragged her put of bed and pulled her in the direction of Terra's bathroom. Maria ordered Terra to bathe and scrub every inch of her skin clean. Terra did what she was told, although she did it begrudgingly. Once Terra was put of the bathroom, Maria forced Terra onto the chair in front of the vanity table. After two hours of having her hair pulled and styled into a half up and half down hairstyle that was sectioned by two plaits at the base of Terra's head.

It took three hours just for Maria to do Terra's makeup, it was very pretty but Terra couldn't justify ever spending another three hours on her makeup ever again. It wasn't even lunch time yet but Maria was already forcing Terra into the dress. "May I ask why you're getting me ready this early?" Terra inquired Maria pointedly. Maria sighed in an annoyed and frustrated tone. "You have to go to the royal painter to have your portrait done before the ball!" Maria explained as she tightened the strings in the corset. Terra couldn't breathe comfortably. Terra put on the high heels on of the other maids put in front of her and allowed Maria to rush her out the door where Sir Darryl was waiting for them.

His eyes lit up when he laid eyes on Terra and a soft blush appeared on his cheeks. "You're looking well Terra!" He complimented her as they walked towards the drawing room the royal painter was set up in for the day. "Thank you" Terra thanked him with a smile as she blushed slightly. When they arrived at the drawing room Sir Darryl knocked on the door and they waited a moment for the painter to respond. The painter was an old elf who reminded Terra of her grandfather Marvin. The old painter had long light brown hair with just a few streaks of a brownish silver going through his hair. The painter had a few smile lines around his eyes and his mouth from a long lifetime of smiling. "Good morning or should I say good afternoon!" The painter greeted them energetically "Come in come in!" He said as he pulled both Sir Darryl and Terra into the room. Princess Ruby was smoothing out her dress which was sleek like Terra's dress but had slits in both sides of the dress and had a tight gold belt fastened around her waste. Her dress was white and she wore a thick necklace of gold, diamonds, emeralds and rubies around her neck. Her beard had a few braids that were intwinned with silver thread. "Hello Terra" Princess Ruby greeted Terra as Sir Darryl walked over to the wall Princess Ruby's guard was standing at and he talked with him quietly and he spoke hastily.  "You look fabulous, your highness!" Terra complimented Princess Ruby while also remembering her court etiquette this time. Princess Ruby smiled widely at Terra, "The same to you lass!".

Princess Ruby left with her guard and it was Terra's turn to sit in the silver framed chair that was made to look like a small throne. Terra had an idea as to what these portraits would be used for, possibly these would be used in some way to determine how will the remaining contestants would look on a throne, whether or not they could appear regal enough. The painter took out a box and placed it on a small side table. He clicked it open and looked inside it, he looked up at Terra for a moment as he considered his decision. Once he had made up his mind he carefully lifted out a circlet of silver. He carried it over to Terra and placed it on Terra's head. He carefully repositioned so it would sit the right way on Terra's head without messing up her hair. He ambled his way back to his easel and looked at Terra before nodding to himself and picking up his platter of paints. "Right can you move your arm like this, angle your head a bit more, look that way" The painter instructed Terra as he began sketching the outline for the painter. All of the portraits already had the throne painted before hand so the painter just had to add the girls the painting which would cut down on the amount of time needed to do a painting for each girl.

It was past lunchtime by the time the painter had finished painting Terra. Terra's back was sore and very stiff by the time she was walking out the drawing room. Sir Darryl didn't have the same problem, he could move about the room as he wished but he couldn't sit down since there was only two chairs in the room which were being used by Terra and the painter so his feet were killing him. "At least that's over" Terra sighed as she stretched her arms to try to stretch her back. "I know but we still have to go to that ball in a few hours" Sir Darryl added on. Terra groaned in annoyance, "Why couldn't they have schedule the painting and the ball on different days". Sir Darryl shrugged his shoulders and then playfully nudged his elbow into Terra's side. "Oi watch it, some of this is made from glass!" Terra laughed as she tried to kick Sir Darryl lightly in one of his shins. Both of them laughing like friends would do when they were doing something they were not meant to do. Unfortunately they happened to be within eyesight of King Gael when they were doing this.

"Sir Darryl, how fortunate it is that we have run into each other here!" King Gael stated coldly and his eyes were staring daggers at Sir Darryl. "Is there something you need of me your majesty?" Sir Darryl inquired like any loyal servant would. "Yes I have just come from the dungeon, I was having a little talk with that prisoner of yours and well he wasn't being very conversational so I need you to have a little 'chat' with him about his behaviour!" King Gael told Sir Darryl as he towered over him in a subtle menacing manner. Sir Darryl bowed to King Gael "Of course your majesty, I'll 'talk' to him once I return Miss Riverglade to her room!" Sir Darryl replied as he motioned to Terra who was standing beside him. A malicious glint appeared in the king's eyes and a false smile appeared on his lips. "Don't worry about Miss Riverglade, I'll return to her room, I need you to deal with that prisoner this instant so run along Sir Darryl, I dare say you have a lot of work ahead of you with that one!". Sir Darryl tried to appear nonchalant about this change in plan but Terra could see the panic in his eyes and Terra wasn't to sure herself about being left alone again with the King. He may have not hit her the last time they were alone but Terra could never forget what he did when she first went to meet him in the throne room. If they hit you once, them they'll surely do it again.

Sir Darryl bowed to the king before heading off towards the dungeon. King Gael grabbed Terra's elbow and pulled her along with him. Three of the King's guards followed behind them. The King's grip on Terra's arm was tight and painful. "It seems that you and Sir Darryl have grown quite close" He commented coolly, Terra could tell there would be more to this conversation than what meets the eye. "I feel that it is my civic duty to inform you Miss Riverglade that people are not always what they appear to be!" He informed Terra while staring at her out of the corner of his eye. Terra nodded, not knowing what to say to the king about what he just said. Terra didn't want to anger him anymore than he already was. "Tell me Miss Riverglade, is your heart truly in this competition?" The king questioned Terra and this time his eyes were not on Terra but on something ahead of them. "It has been the same to how it was when this competition started!" Terra answered truthfully. King Gael glanced at Terra and after a moment he lessened his grip on her arm. He still had a firm grip on her arm but it wasn't painfully tight.

Terra wanted to rip her arm out of his grip and slap him, Terra normally wasn't a violent person but the king seemed to bring out the worst in her. He wasn't even taking her in the direction of her room, they were on the other side of the castle. Terra couldn't figure out what he was up to, she knew that he knew where Terra had been living the last two months so he was up to something. Without warning King Gael released Terra's arm from his grip but his arm then snaked around her waist and pulled her against his side. Terra for once in her life was actually about to yell at someone but before she could open her mouth to give him a scolding of a lifetime King Gael addressed someone who had just walked around the corner. "General Silverharrow, how good it is that you were able to make time to attend tonight's ball!". General Alexander Silverharrow nodded tightly to the king, it was painstakingly clear that these two did not like each other but they were civil to one another.

"It is always a pleasure to be here" General Alexander lied with a fake smile on his face. "That is wonderful to hear from you!" King Gael siad through his teeth, obviously aware that the general was lying to his face out of politeness. King Gael's hand was still on Terra's waist and he turned his head towards her for a brief moment and then back towards the general. "General Silverharrow I do believe that you haven't yet met Miss Terra Riverglade!" King Gael stated as he pushed Terra sightly forward in a way that was to clearly show her off subtlety. "Miss Riverglade may I introduce you to General Alexander Silverharrow, General Silverharrow this is Miss Terra Riverglade!" The King said quickly. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance" General Alexander said quickly while not making eye contact with Terra. "And the same to you" Terra replied.

Terra was stuck standing there while the general and the king discuss something Terra had no clue what they were talking about. By the time they were finished their discussion Terra's feet were in agony and she still had a ball to attend in half an hour. King Gael still had his hand on Terra's waist and he guided her away from the general, however he didn't guide her to her room. It was when they were approaching a room where Terra could hear music and chatter coming from did Terra realise that the King was bringing her to the ball and he still had his hand on her waist when the servants opened the ballroom door and announced the arrival of King Gael and Miss Terra Riverglade.

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