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(For the people that don't read the actual description + more info!)

Recently, the increase of mental heath in adolescents and teens have been on the rise. Since the pandemic, adolescents and teens have been recorded of poor mental heath, which includes anxiety, depression, self harm, and suicide. Most of these people are not able to speak up about their mental health and may feel alone in their current state.

This is a safe space to talk about it. Bullying is NOT tolerated in this safe space.

If you are struggling, please try to seek help and advice.

You are not alone!  


Hi! Author here! Just feel free to vent out whatever is in your mind or something you need to let out. I made this bc lots of people around me and people I know online are going through some things. That's what inspired me to make this book! Even if you don't have anything to vent, maybe you could hand some advice (positive advice!) to those who are struggling.

You can comment on the next page to vent :)

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