New Beginnings

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It's been raining non-stop and Leighton has had enough. How is she able to keep her hair perfectly in place when it's constantly getting wet. No matter how hard she tries her hair frizzes from the moisture. Groaning in frustration Leighton exits the bathroom.

I really need to get coffee in me. She thinks as she gets in line at Sips.

With four coffees in hand she quickly makes her way back to her dorm room. Trying her best to avoid the puddles of water.

"Yes, finally." She hears Bella exclaim as she enters their dorm drawing the others girls' attention.

"Leighton, did you get us coffee?" Kimberly questions as Leightons stand before them slightly damp holding the four coffees.

Leighton knods slowly as they all stare as if their mouths were open.

"Ok, why are you all looking at me like that?" Leighton says slightly annoyed.

"What's the catch?" Whitney asks.

"Why does there have to be a catch?" Leighton fires back. A little more sharp than she intended.

"Seriesly, when have you ever brought us coffee?" Whitney retorts unfazed by her sharp comments.
That's always been something that Leightons admired about Whitney. She was always able to hold her own when it came to Leighton.

Sighing, Leighton sits down.

"Look, do you want the coffee or not." Leighton says already done with this conversation.

"Yes," they all say in unison as they grab a coffee.

"Thank you," Kimberly says as she takes a sip.

Leighton gives her a quick smile before continuing the conversation.

If you would have told Leighton 8 months ago these girls would be her closest friends she would have laughed in your face. Even now she is still shocked but they have been her rock this last year. After coming out to them they were all so supportive it made her feel like she could be her true self around them. She was never able to do that around her old friend. It was like a breath of fresh air she didn't know she needed. In the last couple of months they have all supported her as she went through her breakup with Alica.

"So who's ready for the party tonight?" Bella exclaims loudly, causing a groan to erupt from her roommates.

"Bella, can you not be so loud? My head's still pounding" Whitney whines.

"Oh, come on, it's 11am. You should have recovered by now." Bella retorts.

"I'm with Whitney, on this one. My head is killing me. I definitely shouldn't have drank as much as I did." Kimberly chimes in.

"I want to hear what Leighton was up to last night. She left suspiciously early." Bella says, directing her attention towards Leighton who was mindlessly scrolling on her phone.

Hearing her name she looks up.

"I knew I had to get up early so I didn't want to stay out too late, '' Leighton says, which wasn't a complete lie. She had to prepare for an upcoming math competition, which is where she was this morning while everyone else was asleep and nursing their hangover.

"Then who did I see you leaving with?" Bella questions. This gains a groan from Leighton.

"No one you should concern yourself with." Leighton says, trying to dodging the question.

"So what about you Whitney?" Leighton asks trying to change the subject.
"Oh no you dont." Whitney says catching on.

"So who is this no one?" Kimberly chims in earning a glare from Leighton.

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