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In a land far away from ours, a place unexplored was Embrr. Embrr was a planet created eons ago by a goddess called Calinda. She created Embrr for one reason, it was for her creativity. She loved making new things and wanted to create Embrr. After creating the planet, she created life.

Calinda made the seas, the land, the creatures, and most importantly, human beings. She created those humans to be elves, faeries, witches, wizards, and many more. Calinda also created a beautiful garden, wherein the center of the garden was a statue of her and an incantation hidden, for her creations to explore. Calinda continued to make more. She created the Fire Peaks, The Citadel of Light, the Woods of Whispers, and the Azure Kingdom. After she finished creating Embrr, Calinda disappeared from the planet and left to make another realm.

Following the disappearance of Calinda, the people of Embrr separated into different lands. The Kingdom of Luminia, the Solaris Empire, the Domain of Sylvania, the Dominion of Aquatica, the Tribe of Terrina, the Frozen Realm of Frostheim, and the Republic of Aetheria

The Kingdom of Luminia is the home of the descendants and citizens of Luna, who created the kingdom with her bare hands and the help of her fellow companions. The kingdom was known for its vast plains beneath the glow of the Lunar Moon and the cities that shimmer like the stars. Luminia is also known for its people having great knowledge and wisdom and being artistic and crafty. Luna also built libraries and academies to record the history of Calinda and how she built Embrr. Luna also built the Luminous Gardens and the Astral Observatory. The Luminous Gardens is a sprawling botanical wonderland located on the outskirts of the capital city of Luminia. The Luminous Gardens are renowned for their vibrant array of bioluminescent plants and flowers that emit a soft, soothing glow after nightfall. The Astral Observatory is perched atop the highest peak in Luminia, the Astral Observatory is a celestial observatory where scholars and astronomers study the movements of the stars and planets. It is said that from the observatory's vantage point, one can see to the edge of the realm of Embrr. The Labyrinthine Library is a vast repository of knowledge and wisdom, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls that contain the accumulated wisdom of generations past. The Labyrinthine Library is a place of learning and discovery, where scholars and sages come to study and debate the mysteries of the universe. It is said that the library holds the answers to countless questions, but only those with the patience and perseverance to navigate its labyrinthine corridors may uncover its secrets.

The Kingdom of Luminia is positioned centrally within Embrr, Luminia is surrounded by the other continents, making it a hub of trade, culture, and diplomacy. Its vast plains and shimmering cities stretch outwards, connecting the other continents through trade routes and alliances.

Like the Kingdom of Luminia, the Solaris Empire is the home of its inhabitants and the ruler, Aarush. But unlike Luminia, Aarush was the Sun God himself and used his powers to create his empire. His empire was known for its towering spires and the Citadel of Light, a bastion and sanctuary amidst the ever-shifting tapestry of the empire. Inside the citadel was the Great Hall of Light, the vast and ancient chamber full of statues of great leaders and governors of the Solaris Empire. Also within the Solaris Empire are the Sunlit Plaza and the Temple of the Sun. The Sunlit Plaza is where merchants and vendors sell their crafted goods made by the skilled craftsmen and artisans of the empire. The Temple of the Sun is a grand temple dedicated to the sun god located on the outskirts of Solaris. The Temple of the Sun is a place of worship and reverence, where priests and acolytes gather to offer prayers and sacrifices to their divine patron.

The Solaris Empire is also known for its people being so loyal to their god. In addition, the empire has its caste system or social class system. Servants at the bottom and serving duties for Aarush. Peasant farmers for farming and harvesting crops. Skilled craftsmen, including jewelers, leatherworkers, potters, sculptors, and weavers, craft weapons, and tools. Merchants such as traders sell products made by the craftsmen. Knights and soldiers in the middle protecting the royals. Royal ministers also are part of the middle class. Lastly, the Royals are the nobles or the upper class. They control the entire empire of Solaris and support Aarush. The Empire of Solaris is located in the east of Luminia.

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