and just like that

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The day that I met you, i didn't know that you were gonna be the one that i will deeply love.
You were just out there enjoying without knowing anything about me, and even me. We didn't know our fate,
we were breathing and living separately completely unbothered.
Not until our fate has awakened, everything suddenly feels different.
The old me who's used to have millions of problem, it was suddenly gone when you came into my life,
and i will be forever thankful for that. I really have no idea what's gonna happen to my life if you were never there.
I could be dead.
Whenever I see you, it feels like i'm in my safest place.
It calms me down whenever you give me the most sincere hug ever.
Feeling those passionate kisses, completely removing all my problems at once.
You stayed at my worst, you saw every flaw that I have, but you didn't care and stayed.
My insecurities that now I see as the most beautiful thing that I have.
I am forever thankful for everything that you've done.
The efforts that you did just to make me smile with or without even trying.
The respect and honesty that you gave me, the love that i never experienced.
You gave everything to me. But somehow, we weren't for each other.
We loved each other, but we both knew too that we shouldn't force the relationship that we had so we knew that we should let go.
You were my beautiful gift. We confronted each other and ended in good terms.
We knew we had to let go of ourselves
and just like that our story has ended.

thank you for reading

Note : please do not steal and do not repost any of my works!

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