Chapter 1

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Swindingle looked up at the swirls of colors and stars in the night sky. The beautiful shades of green and blue swelled his heart full of Enchantment. He felt at peace on the ground just observing, watching, drifting...

"Swin...Swin wake up, brother!" His brother said.

"Dongalo...what time is it?" He asked, confused.

"Early mourn, we should head back to the cott." Dongalo urged him, tugging his garb.

Swindingle got up and looked at the early morning sky, though beautiful. It was not as mystical as the arcane like night sky. It was just regular.

Swindingle and Dongalo walked back to their cottage, which was placed in a wooded area surrounded by trees. The cottage was relatively big compared to others he had seen in the fishing village near their home.

He opened the door to see his hulking father stirring a large pot over the fireplace. He gave them a glance and looked down at the stew.

"Good morning, boys." Their father greeted them, still stirring the pot.
"Good morning, Father." They both said. Their father pulled away from the stew to grab wooden bowls from the cupboard.

"Sit, it's almost done, I hope you, Boys, want some venison stew!" He said in a voice that jolted Swindingle awake. His father always had a way to shock him with the volume of his voice. His father had been in Readan's royal army, so it made sense.

They both sat down and got the table ready. Swindingle grabbed a canteen of water and poured it into the cups.
His father poured the stew in the bowls and sat down.
"You boys are getting ready to turn 17. Have you thought about what you might do?" He questioned them

Swindingle had always hated when he was asked this question because he had no clue. All the days of reading books in the field and fooling around with the fishing villages girls had finally caught up with him.

But before he could even think of something to say to make his father, not concerned of his probably not good future, dongalo answered

"I'm going to become a knight and serve the brotherhood Templar." He quickly responded.

"A very difficult and fulfilling path, my son. I wish you luck." His father said with a proud look. but his attention was quickly turned to Swindingle.

Swindingle was sweating at the thought of his future and how doomed it might be. Then, finally, he answered.

"Anything that makes me some coin." He jested.
"My son, you don't have to choose now, but heed my words, what you do in your life defines you. Everything you do in life is a challenge. every day is a challenge. Everybody is a challenge." His father lectured.

"Yes, father, I understand." He said.
They all spent the rest of breakfast talking about the chores for the week and what they needed from Corloc.

After Swindingle was finished with his stew, he went out with Dongalo toward the fishing village of Corloc.
They went down the dirt path until they were overlooking the village.

Even though Swindingle had seen it a million times, the morning light shining on the sea and illuminating the cotts and docks were enchanting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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