To The Guiding Light

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"I got in! I got in! I can't believe I got in!" Summer squealed happily as she jumped up and down on her bed and hugged her soft, fluffy white pillow.
"Summer Rose! Please stop all that racket up there!" Her mother called out to her.
"Sorry mom! Hehe. I'm gonna go pack. I mean, I don't leave for a week but who cares? It's Beacon!"
"Yes, mom."  Summer responded and quietly continued her jubilation as she packed. This had been her dream since she was a girl and it was finally coming true.
She didn't know what to expect when she got there but she was ready for all of it. Remnant, wasn't ready for her.
But before she left to show the world who she was, Summer needed to make sure she was ready. Once she leaves home, she won't have her mother to guide her anymore. Sure, she had 17 years (give or take) of training, coaching and experience but it wouldn't be the same.
Her confidence started to waver as reality set in. Summer was spiraling. Could she do it? On one hand; she was confident in who she was and what she was capable of. On the other; Summer was a 17 year old girl who wasn't actually prepared and didn't know if what she learned would be enough.
All her worries melted away at the sound of four sweet words;
"Summer, dinner in fifteen."
It tasted even better; Sesame soba noodles, fish cakes, boiled egg and miso soup.
And for dessert, chocolate chocolate chip cookies.
"Thanks, mom. This was really good." Summer said. Her mother smiled and rubbed her daughter's arm. "Hey, mom? You think I can make it out there, right? On my own?"
"Doesn't matter I think. Only what you think. But since you asked, I think you can do anything you set your brilliant mind to."
And that was all she needed to hear.


Tai was much less giddy and skippy than Summer. It just wasn't cool. It's not that he wasn't excited (he was) but now that he was in, he needed to double down on his training. His skills got him in but he had to make sure it kept him there. His father helped him practice.
They bowed to each other and Tai began with an attempted gut punch that his father easily dodged and gracefully gliding around him strike his back.
A move that brought him to his knees.
It caught Tai by surprise and it hurt but he quickly recovered to do a backspin to his feet. Targeting his father's weak ankle in the process. He took the opportunity to do a running jump kick targeted at his father's shoulder but the older male smirked and grabbed his leg mid kick. Tai used his free leg to turn his body in attempts to loosen the surprisingly strong grip. Success! But not for long. Tetsuyang got to his feet and charged like a raging bull toward his son
Blows were exchanged, hair was pulled, semblances were activated and in the end, they were both left exhausted and conceded defeat.
"I'm sure going to miss you, son.'
"I'll miss you too dad." Tai said with a warm smile. "We have 5 days left together. Plenty of time for a rematch."
"We can go right now."
"Hell no. I'm done."
"That's what I thought." Tetsu laughed. "And cut your damn hair, boy."
"The hair stays, old man." Tai hit his father's arm playfully and they spent the rest of the afternoon staring at the clouds in silence until they fell asleep.


Not everyone had the privilege of growing up in a loving, stable home. Didn't have the luxury of going to school or not doing unspeakable things to survive.
Raven and Qrow were raised by murders and thieves. Survival at all costs was the only rule they lived by. Anything else goes!
Their sole purpose for going to Beacon was to become stronger. Strong enough to take out the huntsman that were messing with them. Not their idea though.
They were on mission from their father. The leader at the time.
Part 1 of the plan was a success but last raid. For the road.
The Branwen tribe raided a small village that was already overrun by Grimm. Those who didn't escape, died and they grabbed everything that wasn't nailed down and left.
After a successful raid, the twins had a good meal and were ordered to an early bed to be at the hangar for 8:00AM.
"Hey, Raven."
"What's school like, anyway? Like, what are you even supposed to do?"
"How would I know, bird brain? I've never been either. Anyway, who cares? What matters is the objective. Learn as much as possible, graduate and report back."
"Yeah...I remember the objective."
"Good. And we're not there to make friends, so don't you go getting all buddy buddy with these people."
"Yeah, whatever. Good night." Qrow said and reached over to turn out the light but the lamp fell and broke.
"Eh, I'll deal with it in the morning."


All the kids were at the hangar on time and excited to be there. Some less enthusiastic than others.

"Raven. Wake up. We're boarding."
"Carry me."
"I'd rather eat glass." Qrow said and propped her upright and nudged her toward the open door. Just then, Qrow heard the shout of a boy exclaiming that his luggage wheel fell off.
Tai said goodbye to his parents and Summer, to her loving mother.
Parents eyes filled with tears as they bid their kids farewell.
On the flight to Beacon Academy, everyone was getting to know each other. Raven continued to make friends with the inside of her eyelids, Qrow was sightseeing,
Tai was being flirty with Summer Rose and Summer was being a social butterfly. Meeting everyone on the ship and getting their entire life story.
"Oh cool. Your eyes are silver! That's so pretty. Sorry. That came out really creepy. What I meant to say was 'Hi. I'm Taiyang Xaoi-Long. But you can just call me Tai'. Yeah. That."
Qrow scoffed at his failed attempt at finessing.
"You smooth talking fox, you." Qrow said sarcastically.
"Did I miss the part where I asked for your input? Who are you anyway?"
"Qrow Branwen ."
"Branwen? Isn't that the tribe of delinquents? That's hilarious."
"So...Now that we've officially met each other, we could all be friends, right?" *death glares intensities* "...Right?"
"Cool...Why not ?"
"Great! I'm Summer Rose. Nice to meet you."  She said warmly and giggled.
"Hey, Tai. I have some experience cutting my own hair, want me to cut yours?"
"Sure. It'll grow back."
Wait...what did I just agree to?

At some point, Tai and Summer began to question if Raven was still alive because she hasn't moved or responded in hours. Summer was brave enough to reach out and touch her, despite warning from her brother.
"If you value your hand, keep it away from me."
At least they knew she was alive.

2 Hours And 20 Minutes  Later

You Have Reached Your Destination

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