Dribbal's True Eyes

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[Start camera view at Booger's Room, Booger wears his one-eyed glasses and lab coat, he stands on camera, Zabo's hand on camera has a small crush on Booger.]

Booger: Hello. I'm Booger, my friend trying to crush my head, it's Zabo.

Zabo: (offscreen, waves to camera) I'm helping!

Booger: Tonight, Booger's Mixel Guide To Secret.

[Zabo starts one more crush on him, he gets his hand off the screen of the camera by Booger.]

Booger: Okay, that-that's enough. (Blip walks and pops the title card, he wears goggles.) Tonight, we investigate Anomaly #49: Dribbal's True Eyes.

[Scrud points at theory board, he wears a lab coat, gloves, and one-eyed reading glasses. Camera zooms in to various pictures of Dribbal and notes of theory about Dribbal's eyes.]

Booger: What is he hiding his eyes from his glasses? A painful past? Secret appears? Or something not right in his eyes...?

[Zoom out the camera to Booger and the theory board.]

Booger: Dribbal claims his true eyes don't exist, but tonight we're gonna find out.

Zabo: (offscreen) Right after another exciting episode of... (Camera pans down to his bandage on his knee.) "What's Under Zabo's Bandage?" Do-do! (He takes off his bandage.)

Scrud: (offscreen, disgusting) Ew! Zabo!

[Static, cut to outside at night, Booger and Berp as he holds a box of light supplies.]

Booger: Okay, here's the plan. Dribbal is sometimes alone every night. (Walks close to the camera.) Obviously to hide his secrets from everybody else. (Go back to place.) But me and Berp are about "turn on the light up" on this mystery.

[Booger holds on to a flashlight which he turns it on and then increases the brightness of it, Berp laughs.]

Berp: Literally! (Whispering.) I love how you come up with stuff like that.

[Static, cut to Dribbal looks at his phone in the Mixopolis Park as he is sitting on a metal chair while the light is on which Dribbal covers as shields his eyes. Berp walks and smiles at the camera.]

Berp: Wow! So bright in the park at night. (He winks at the camera.) Probably we're gonna cover ourselves from the light... (Slowly pop out the sunglasses which Dribbal was surprised by.) Wear sunglasses! (He wears sunglasses.) Am I right?

Dribbal: Berp, I will pay you and take off your sunglasses. (Stands on as still to shield his eyes.)

Berp: Don't be shy, Dribbal. (He sits on a metal chair.) True eyes are nothing to be ashamed of.

Dribbal: For mixing it out, Berp. I need to find an inhaler because uh... Whenever I felt anxious.

[Dribbal walks away while Berp looks at him, then he claps his lower hands while snaps his upper fingers.]

Berp: (singing) Do, do-do-do-do, do. Do, do-do-do-do, hey! La, la-la-la-la...

[Static, cut to inside of Dribbal's Room/Room 415-48 as his living room, Booger looks at the camera as holds it.]

Booger: Okay, Plan B. (Camera pans to Dribbal who feels annoyed while he holds a book and pen as he is sitting in a chair, offscreen.) Oh, dear! Is that a spot on your glasses? Let me clean it for you.

[Booger tries to reach Dribbal's glasses, but Dribbal smacks Booger's hand away.]

Dribbal: Booger, if you're trying to see my true eyes, you're gonna have to try harder than that. (Let go of a book and pen to hide it behind him while he starts to feel overawed.)

Booger: (offscreen) Aha! I thought you said you didn't have true eyes!

Dribbal: I don't. (Pop out an eye supplies kit and then hold out an eye drop as quickly put an eye supplies kit down.) But you do.

Booger: (offscreen) What did you mean I-- (Dribbal closer to the camera as he holds an eye drop to reach Booger which he screams.)

[Static, cut to the hallway of Glorp Corp Apartment as Booger with a green eye, a sign as he wears it said "SLIMEY" with green text.]

Booger: Okay, Plan C. Dribbal in the bathroom, I wish it hadn't come to this, but sometimes you have to do terrible things for science.

Blip: (offscreen) I believe in you, Slimey!

Booger: Booger. Just say Booger.

[Booger takes the camera as view to Zabo, Scrud and Blip, he walks to door of Dribbal's Room/Room 415-48 as he enter it where he slowly walk to Dribbal's bathroom, the he open the door rapidly as come out a steams. Dribbal got wet by water as he deadly glare at Booger with the camera.]

Dribbal: You're never gonna show it, Booger. Never...gonna...show it.

Booger: (offscreen) How long are you standing there?

Dribbal: Give me that camera! (He is toward the camera as Booger screams.)

[Static, cut to the rooftop of the building at night, Booger feels scared as holds the camera. He got a normal eye back and removed the sign.]

Booger: So I just figured I'd chill out the roof for a while.

Dribbal (offscreen, yelling angrily) I'm gonna find you, Booger!

[Flying Mixels and Mixamals fly away as they're in the background.]

Booger: Well, that's it for this episode. Dribbal's true eyes remain a mystery, but who knows what other secrets are waiting to be uncovered.

[Static, cut back to Berp still sitting in the metal chair while he's still singing.]

Berp: (still singing) Do, do-do-do-do, do. Do, do-do-do-do...

[Static at the end of the episode.]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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