Chapter 42

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Chaeyoung had never imagined she would use this skill to convince a man about how he would be the ideal husband for her, she thought with a grim smile

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Chaeyoung had never imagined she would use this skill to convince a man about how he would be the ideal husband for her, she thought with a grim smile. After redressing they were searching for a proper place where they could get some sleep. Now, making their way through the clearing, and noticing her husband's relaxed face, chaeyoung knew she would be at her persuasive best again. How true is her Mother about men? She couldn't help wonder. Her Mother had told her once that the men who resisted the charms of women were usually the ones who loved too deeply and painfully when they eventually, inevitably succumbed. Now she couldn't agree more. She felt warmer as she thought about his kiss, about the caring, gentle way he had held her, his breath warm against her skin. It had been a true love's kiss. She had felt it. That's why she was feeling so much ecstatic now.

After two minutes of walk, chaeyoung caught Jungkook gesturing at an ancient tree that dominated the clearing into which they had just emerged.

" It will be comfortable to spend the night in his shadow" chaeyoung looked at the tree as Jungkook spoke.

He went easily to a place where the hanging roots had not yet reached the ground, and parted the curtain-like downgrowth to reveal a shadowy bower within, into which strands of moon light fluted in obliquely.

It didn't take so much time for him to make two grass pallets. Soft grasses were plentiful around him. A sign of contentment escaped from his lips as he finished his job.

"I have made bed for us so that we can sleep peacefully" said Jungkook. She thankfully smiled at him and opened their bundle of clothes, picked two shawls from it. He took one from her and both of them walked to the spot he had prepared earlier by laying down grass pallets.

Jungkook began spreading his shawl over his pallet. Observing him keenly chaeyoung followed his example with her own. She reached up behind her to undo her long braid of shiny brown hair, her delicate fingers separating the light tresses, and then a practiced toss of her head merging them into a single lustrous mane. He watched her, breathlessly then almost involuntarily reached out her and gently brushed a wisp of dampened hair from her forehead, tucking it behind her ear as he had seen her do.

His eyes never left her face when did that. Soon a bright smile graced her fine face which was resplendent as full moon and her desirable features appeared remarkably attractive even in the rays of the dim moon light, as though pure radiance was scattering from her entire presence. He was enchanted seeing that pristine beauty of hers.

"Actually I forgot to ask you this. What is our mission actually? Where're we headed?"

"You'll find out about the purpose soon" replied Jungkook enigmatically. This response didn't go well with her. Naturally it irked her.

"Jungkookk, are you always like this? Reticent and secretive "

What chaeyoung said rang a bell with him. The sentence sounded familiar. Yes! Dahyun had asked the same question to him before. How similar it for felt. One difference as chaeyoung's tone was much melodious and sweeter. And for another, his name had never sounded better than it did when it was uttered by her ruby lips. It gave an immediate effect of intimacy. Perhaps this is what he truly likes about chaeyoung; he found himself treated as a normal being rather than a powerful emperor. He was getting a little tired of the fear he instilled in people. She treated him like no woman had treated him before-without passing any judgement, evaluating him without any expectations. In the exact moment this came into his mind that he was to be besotted with chaeyoung, spurred by unreasoning, foolish love. But she was affecting him, overwhelmingly

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