March 9, 2024

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It's 23:25 and I'm in my bed feeling tired after all the activities I've done for school. We're writing a research paper and the softcopy is needed by our subject teacher.

Also, tomorrow is an ex-friend's birthday. I was the one who exited our friend group since they have different values than mine.

I did actually hang out with them but it was last year.

A few more weeks to go before another set of hardcore activities. God bless, xoxo.

I was supposed to publish just that short entry yet Wattpad suggested to write more because it would only takes 20 seconds to read all of that.

How about I'll talk about what happened today.

So today is Saturday and I woke up around 9 am since I slept late last night. After waking up, I greeted my family with a kiss on the cheek saying "Good morning" because that is usually what we do (don't know how people usually do in the morning). After that, I ate breakfast which was rice and some vegetable viand (not to my taste, kinda wanted to eat fried rice). Then I scrolled on my phone, chatted my classmates, and discussed in the research GC (group chat) on what we're going to do today whilst eating my breakfast.

After that, I put my stuff in the sink and left it there since water wasn't available during that time. I then pried open my back pack to get my notebook and attempted to get my sign pen. But! It wasn't there on the first pocket, and so I went and looked for it all around the house. Above the cabinet, checked the floor if I accidentally dropped it, and even checked in-between my clothes sitting at the bed near my Grandma. Not there.

I felt frustrated and just decided to use the pen I found in the bag. It wrote horribly and the pen is just not it y'know. The ink is too faint and it doesn't have that thickness I'm looking for. I got angry and wanted to buy a new pen and so I asked my Dad for some cash. He doesn't have any 😶 so.. I turned off my feelings and just did what a normal human would do.

Took the cap off my pen and scribbled hard in a separate sheet of paper to let out my feelings for a few seconds before continuing writing my notes in my notebook. I wrote for a few hours and then it was lunch.

For lunch, we had chicken which were air fried and it tasted bland. I stopped writing and started typing on my phone after lunch to help out my group mates for the research which we were supposed to pass tonight at 23:59 (currently 23:48 as I'm typing right now). I didn't tell them that I asked permission to our subject teacher that we would be passing the softcopy up until Monday just in case we don't get to pass it tonight lmao.

Anyway, after that around 16:45 ish, I had an errand. Relatives wants me to visit the other house so I can restock our rice and get our dinner viand. I don't like going sometimes you know but meh, I'm the one who does errands oftentimes what can I say?

Theeeen yeah, I don't want to continue more but I crocheted a small Amigurumi Cat body, it's unfinished for now. Will be taking a picture of it when I'm done and if I remember that I upload here, I will upload it here.

Battery percentage: 6%
Time publish: 23:53

Short entriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang