The coffee shop in London

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"In the coffee shop" Y/n walks in the shop and orders his/hers usual drink when she catches a glimpse of a beautiful woman in the corner of their eye. This woman was already looking at y/n. *The woman walks over* "hello I'm Amy winehouse" she says proudly. Y/n takes a minute processing the name "Amy Winehouse" searching their brain before saying I'm Y/n nice to meet you.

*They both sit down and have coffee together*

So...Amy I couldn't help but reckonise the name your a singer.*y/n pauses for a minute thinking carefully about what to say next* I've heard most of your songs like back to black,Rehab and more obviously them two are the first two that came to my mind. Amy finally says "yeah thank you for listening to my songs you should come on one of my many gigs with me I'm doing another gig in July."

Y/n replies "yeah we'll see depends whether I'm busy or not but it wouldn't hurt to get away from my work for awhile it gets really stressful." Y/n and Amy get on really well.

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