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Sonic, Tails, Silver, Shadow, Scourge, Rouge, Knuckles, Vanilla, Cream, Blaze, and Amy were teleported into a room. Sonic, Tails, Silver, and shadow shared a couch. Rouge, Knuckles, Blaze, and Amy shared. Scourge sat behind team TSSS. My Oc appeared (in a Miles Morales outfit, complete with the jean jacket, red hoodie, and untied Jordans. My messy black hair covered up my hood and I had a pair of black wireless headphones around my neck.)

She whispered into sonic's ear.

Sonic looked at the floor, his ears pinned to his head.

Sonic: Do we have to?

She nodded.

Sonic: I guess I would rather not be here. Yes please...

Oc: Call me Happy.

Sonic: Yes please Happy!

Happy grabbed his wrist and they both teleported out.

Tails: Where did sonic and Mai go?

Happy: We are in here! Sonic left because you guys are gonna react to him!

Scourge/Knuckles/Shadow: Why are we reacting to him? He's just a cocky troublemaker!

Happy: You'll be thinking differently after this....Alright his fears first!

Everyone: It's water!

1.Losing someone in this room

Vanilla/Cream: Believable.

Everyone: What do you mean?

Vanilla: One week you all had left him to go visit your families so we sent Charmy to go hang out with sonic. Charmy said that sonic looked like he hadn't slept in the last week! Sonic had dark bags under his eyes and that he was shaking. He wanted to call all of you every 5 minutes to make sure you were still alive. He willed himself not to, not that he had any time, Charmy said sonic had been zipping around the village all week! doing missions from sunrise to sunset.

Cream: Mother, you're forgetting to mention that Sonic had also had the flu.

Scourge: Sonic is strong, i'll give him that.

Amy: I didn't know we mattered that much to sonic.

2. Shade coming back for him

Shadow: Who is shade?

Tails/Amy/Knuckles: I don't know, Sonic has never talked about him before.

3. Not being fast enough

Scourge: you're literally the fastest thing alive! How could you not be fast enough?

Sonic: I have already failed being fast enough 3 times.

Tails: When I was half roboticized on the lost hex.

Sonic: When Cyrus died. And when I couldn't save Hazel. I'm such a screw up.

Happy: Sonic, No your not, calm down.

Sonic: No! I'm the freaking fastest thing alive! The 3 times I could have used my power for good instead of for evil like everyone else thinks, I was too slow! *Sniffles*

Happy: Sonic, Come on.

Amy: Is he okay?

Happy: Just a little upset.

4. Doctors

Everyone-tails,knux: Doctors?

Tails: Yeah, once me and knuckles tried to take sonic to the doctor because he had a fever and-

Sonic Characters React....To Sonic AngstWhere stories live. Discover now