Wake up

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Everyone dreams. And tonight, Kagami Taiga dreams.

There's lush grass lands spread out as far as his blinding red eyes can see, in every which direction, the kingdom of Seirin spread out along the same grass land and the castle it self imbeded into the mountain--thats the reason he knows its a dream, because last he saw Seirin it was a storm of fire, and death and whats laid out here is something in only a distant memory--but he's not down there, he's far off the ground of the lush grass, and warm stone of the city. And now that he thinks about it, he's not on grass, or stone for that matter, he's on snow. Which means... he's on the mountains.

Kagami loved going to the mountains when he was young, they were just amazing. He knows them so well that even in the dark of night he could still easily climb the stone cliff face and have no trouble. When he was young Kagami would climb the stone cliffs, walk through the snow that blinded him because of the sun, and contined to do so until he found him. The glare of the snow never bothered him much, he never really looked at the snow anyway, he always was looking at his surroundings. It's what made the mountains magical.

The dream took him from the cliff face that he had been staring down and took him through the forest, all the trees covered in the white powder that covered the ground; inclining as he goes.

Emerging from the forest; holding a hand above his eyes to shelter them from the glare of the sun off the snow (not that it did much). Eyes adjusting to the brightness; a tall, moving figure emerged from the light behind him. The figure had a sword, no shirt, and was pacing out movements; training. For what? That was unknown.

And then he speaks.

His voice rings out across the mountain, a cheerful voice, but one that could turn into something that could shake the very earth and make the most fearsome things in this wold back down and obey, the voice of a king. Because that was what he was, a king.

“Taiga! Your here! Finally! Took you long enough, maybe your getting slow” He chuckled, smiling down at his nephew. Kiyoshi Teppei he was, that was the name of the man standing in front of him, he stood tall, and proud, carrying himself like a soldier. Kiyoshi Teppei may be a king, but he's a soldier first and foremost and at times it shows, but not now; now he's just his uncle.

Pausing from the training he was doing and jumping down from the flat rock he stood upon he called out to him again. “Come on Taiga let's practice! You do want to be the greatest swordsman, right?” Laying at the foot of the rock a small sword lay in wait of the boy who owned it, Kiyoshi gave Kagami the sword, hilt first, it was well worn and blunt, proof of the work and long hours of training together upon this very rock, for years now.

But as Kagami reaches out to grab the hilt of the sword to start practise with his uncle, reality hits like a brick to the head.

The rough hand of his uncles, replaced by smaller hands; shaking him, intsead of hands that held a sword these ones held his shoulder, shaking it. Waking, Kagami growls at the person who has woken him from his dream "Hey!" Kagami barks, obviously not impressed with the wake up call. "Kagami, get up you're going to be late—again" his servant, Takao, says to him. Cleaing the haze of sleep from his eyes he looks from Takao to the window and then a double take on the window, because last he seen  midnight did not look like that, not if the sun's on the horizon. Which meant that he was going to be late for training, like usual.

“Takao, why didn't you wake me up sooner!” Because Kagami knows for a fact  that Takao is doing it on purpose, and to prove his point the smart remark comes without a second beat. “Because it wouldn't be fun”,  Kagami stumbles to the door as well as trying (and failing) in getting his clothes on while also getting out the door. Kagami curses himself while pulling an old and tattered long-sleeved shirt; pulling it over his head and pulling the sleeves up to his elbows, in the middle of the hallway, Takao can't hold it in, and bursts out laughing at the sight infront of him, Kagami's now on the floor, pulling his pants up and sending a glare Takaos way, which just bounces off his laughing form.

Kagami ditches his shoes and just puts the metal to the peddle. He jumps the stairs, sprints through the hallways, until he finally reaches the training grounds.
Doubled over and huffing as he tries to get his breath back, he pretends not to see him approach. Most people would take the hint and beat it, but not Aomine. No, Aomine casually stalks over to him –the flow of soldiers parting for him as he goes –and settles in against the pillar beside him. To some, it might look as though they’re old friends. Except that the leer Aomine sends his way, and the one Kagami mirrors right back, are anything but friendly. 

“ –Look who finally showed up,” Aomine remarks, tone combative and entirely gloating. 

There have been a lot of people in Kagami’s life that he's wanted to smack. Amazingly, none so much as this guy. 

And Kagami likes to think that he's got a pretty good telling on people, and his instincts and the way the hairs on the back of his neck prickle to life, tell him that this guy, is dangerous. And rightfully so.

Instead of answering –because there has to be a catch –Aomine just smirks back at him and juts his chin out towards the rising sun; the rising sun that had started to peak its way over the horizon mere minutes before Kagami had laid foot on training ground soil. 

“Kasamatsu’s coming,” Aomine tells him reproachfully, pushing off the wall and casually tucking his arms up behind his head as he walks away, “...Better start running.”  

Aomine has always had an air about him, like a lazy predator that thinks he can take anything and anyone on, arrogant, that's the word. He's always had an arrogant feel about him, and it has always pissed Kagami off. He may be the 1st Capatain, and he may be a prince but that doesn't mean shit to Kagami.

Kagami's also a prince--of a destroyed kingdom, sure--but still a prince. And he's not the only one with a presence like that of a beast.

“ Fuck you ,” Kagami grits out vehemently, and he could swear there’s an element of a snicker in Aomine’s voice as he turns away. 

“ See you later , Kagami.

The Melody Of Two SwordsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ