note? warning?? idk

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  Soooo... very awkward start. This may be the first fic I post here that stays uploaded for more than a month (pls be kind with the criticism :DD).

A little history... -though you could just skip over to the next chapter which is the actual start of the story, this is just me yapping for  half a thousand words-
I wrote this a little over a year ago now... damn. I have improved a lot, probably, but do I want to go back and edit this damned thing? Nuh uh.

Change is actually the first REAL fic I finished if I remember correctly(the curse of getting hit in the face with writers block within the first paragraph of a fanfiction has taken over my body), so it holds a special place in my heart.

Most scenes... are quite unrealistic. I didn't do research on spoiler alert(?), asthma attacks or whatever you call those, and I lost all motivation to redo that scene... so I do apologise for any inaccuracies that will surely be everywhere.

Also... I may or may not have stolen a couple of ideas from a couple of fics from a certain author that I had a hyperfixiation on then... I read one where Akutagawa practically threw his wallet to Atsushi and spoilt him rotten, and I thought, this is good. I'm stealing the recipe. I might have taken a few scenes from said book.... But I say this with my whole heart, what is art without a smidge of thievery?

Anyways, enough yapping from me, if you made it this long, hope you enjoy reading!

(Also housewife Chuuya supermancy🙏🏼🙏🏼)

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