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O = Olivier

Me : Hello Oliver how old are you
O : 11
Me : Ok great and what seems to be the problem
He look at his mum
Mum : erm he said that both side of his upper back teeth have been hurting and he has some baby teeth that I want to come out cause I think he needs braces
Me. Ok let me have a look..... open wide
Oliver opens wide
Me. Ok so it looks like that you have 3 cavities on the right side and 2 on the left for the upper and then for lower it looks all fine
Mum. Ok and what about the baby teeth how many
Me . Sooo it look like he has 5 baby teeth.... 3 of them are cavities so we can just take them out
Mum. Ok can we do that today
Me. Ermmm yes I can have it done in an hour
Mum. Ok great and also do you think he needs braces
Me. Yes I will book him next week to discuss a treatment plan
Mum. Ok great

Mum and Oliver leave

I hour later

I get all the equipment ready
- 8 needles, a drill and pliers

Me. Ok Oliver come this way and have a seat, let me get the stuff ready
I get all the needles ready and drills and pliers

Me. Ok let's start on the left upper... open wide...... ok so just filling cavities here
I get the first three needles ready
Oliver. Is it going to hurt
Me. No not really
O. Ok ( really scared)
Me. Open wide and close your eyes
Mum comes and hold Oliver's hand
Me. Pinch in 3 2 1 .... Insert the needle
Oliver starts to move and scream
Me. Please stay still it will only hurt more
Injects the medicine
O . Owww it burns
Takes the needle out
O. Please no more
Me. Sorry you have more, just two more then a break ok
Insets the next but doesn't hurt as bad but the third is really bad
Me. Last one for a bit
O. Owww
Me. Sorry it's the worst cause it's at the back try not to move
Finished and then starts to drill and then filled the teeth
Me. Ok so now we just need to take out five teeth..... 2 on the bottom and 3 on the top... just one injection for each tooth and will be really fast as all baby.
Numbs the first tooth then starts to pull
Me. Ok so just feel some pressure ok
Grabs pliers and starts pulling the tooth and it out
Me. Ok we got 4 more
I inject him 4 more times and pull out 4 more teeth
Me. Ok your done.... Come back next week for your braces discussion

1week later
Me. Hello Oliver... do you want to sit on the seat and I will check how your teeth and gums are.
Oliver sits down
Me. Open wide... nice it looks great well done.
So about the braces it look like we can put braces on for the top first, we will need to wait for the adult teeth to fully come through which looks like it will be soon and then we will need to extract four teeth to make room for his teeth to move, so I will book that for next week and then once the adult teeth come through we will put the braces on
Mum. Ok great we will come back next week, thanks

Next week

Me. Ok hope ok the bed and I will start to put the numbing gel on.... Open wide
I put the numbing gel on the upper gums
I start to talk to Oliver while I am getting the numbing injections ready
Me. Ok Oliver so jsut to let you know that this procedure won't hurt but you will feel a lot more pressure than when you got your baby teeth out, ok
Oliver nods
Me. Don't be scared I have those numbing injections so it won't hurt
Takes the numbing gel of and gets the needles ready
Me. Ok Oliver ready pinch in 3 2 1
Insert the needle and pushes the medicine
O. Winces from the burning
Takes the needle out and inserts it again
O. Starts screaming in pain
Me. Oliver it's ok try to stay calm almost over
Pushes needle further in gums and then takes needle out
Me. Ok Oliver we are going to take the tooth out now... tell me if you feel any pain
Starts to pull at the tooth but Oliver is moving
Me. Oliver stay still please it's will be ok soon.... It's really hard to get out I might have to cut through the tooth to get this one out
I get a drill and drill half way so it easier and then
The tooth is out

Me. Ok Oliver I'm going to numb the rest and pull the next 3 teeth and then you are good to go

Proceeder is finished and Oliver is coming back in 2 weeks to put theu braces on


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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