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[Operative] [Y/N] [POV]
{Two more years pass}

{N/N it means nickname, D/N it also means day name}

I stood, looking at the bloody scene in front of me,"what the actual hell?!?" I shouted at the purple vested operative with glasses.

"Oh... Hi [N/N]!" the operative name [Powerful_day] beamed at me, like the only thing he did was break a fucking pencil. But it wasn't just a pencil, maybe a person... with a son.

I stared with disbelief, as powerful_Day ran up to me and gave me a big bone crushing hug, "My [Y/N] my love". My eyes never left the gruesome scene, of two one's happy civilians so full of life to now lifeless, cold and laying in their own blood.
Turning my eyes from the scene I look back at Powerful_Day "What the fuck is wrong with you" I said with confusion. "She liked you... A little too much..." eyes half closed as he spoke, "She was trying to take you away from me!" He said with a wine in his tone.

"First of all" I continued, "I'm not anyone's. Bitch, and second of all, she just complemented my [Hair]!!!" I said the last part with a shout, to hopefully get it through his messed up mind, what he did was completely fucked up.


The only thing he did, was stare at me like I was his [God]/[Goddess], the reason why he exists, the reason why the [Sun] and [Moon] switch places every day and night. He smiled and a dark blush crept on his almost pale cheeks.

"Your so [Perfect] my love". Are you fucking kidding me, I stared at powerful_Day with disbelief written on my face, I slowly started to get out of his grip, "let. me. go" I said with a oddly calm tone, "but lov-"
I quickly cut him off, by slamming my elbow into his nose. He let go automatically and gripped his nose. Pulling out my gun that [Incarnate_day] gifted me,
"if you don't back the fuck up, I'm shooting with no hesitation bitch".

He stared at me still covering his nose, until he lowered his hand from his nose, to reveal that his nose was bleeding are they creepy smile that stretched ear to ear, "I love how strong you are~" I cringed of how lustful he sounded, still holding the gun I pulled the trigger, sending a bullet through his calf, causing him to cripple on himself and to fall on the dry concrete now fresh with more New blood, I fired a couple more shots not caring if one hit him in his head.

\__________/<><>time skip<><>\__________/

"[Operative] [D/N] come [see] [their Majesty] in [there] office", hearing [Emotionless_Day] say my [Day Name], I got up from the chair and made my way to the [Supreme leaders] office, The Long core doors theme to repeat over.
And over.
And over again, it felt like I was walking for at least 20 minutes before I finally seen The [Supreme leaders] office.

Now in front of the office.

I raised my hand to knock on the door, but before I could do that I heard a, "[Come] in [operative] [D/N]"
Opening the door I stepped in with a slight shake to my legs, closing the door behind me, I kept my eyes towards the ground as I walk towards The [Supreme Leader] desk.

"[Greetings] [Operative] [D/N], it is [unreasonable] for you to be [false] with me." There I stood directly in front of [Great_day] desk.
"[Operative] [D/N] did or did you not, [Intentionally] shoot [Powerful_day]"
I finally looked up to meet the [Supreme Leaders] eyes.
"I did it on [purpose] [sir]." He clearly knows the truth... So just lying will probably make it worse.
"[Operative] [powerful_Day] [claimed] to try to [protect] you"
He started
"Is this [correct]?"
"That will be [incorrect] [sir]" I stated with a deadpan.

*Just imagine he asked you more questions*

"[Operative] [D/N] [last] question"
I  nodded my head gently to silently gestured I was listening to his question.
"Did [Operative] [Incarnate_Day] give you the [Gun]"
Getting caught off guard by that question.
"No Sir-" I was cut off by the [Supreme Leader]. "[Operative] [Scary_Day] [Informed] me [Already]"
"Wait what" I said with clear confusion laced in my tone...
" I will be [speaking] to [Incarnate_day] [about] this"
"This is [not] [acceptable]"
"you are [allowed] to [leave]"

Hi :D

Hi :D

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