Awaited Reunion

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??? P.o.v

Estella and I were flying at high speeds through the air because whoever was chasing us didn't want to give up. "Marissa if we want to get away and find Him we have put it in high gear " Estella yelled over the wind that rang loud in both of our ears. "I know , c'mon lets hurry up we're almost to new York " I answered back at her .In fact I could see the lights of the big apple in the distance ." Estella move it ,I can see the s.h.e.I.l.d helicarrier " I told her . we had finally shaken the bastard tailing us and had arrived in s.h.e.I.l.d airspace when the security system activated and we were forced to fight we of course finished in record time and wanted to fly away before we got in trouble for the damage to the helicarrier security system when a voice stopped us " hold it right there you two " we turned slowly came face to face with The one and only Nick fury along with a group of five behind him . I smirked because one of them looked pretty damn familiar.

Sam's p.o.v

Fury was leading outside because of a security breach. when we got there I was completely awestruck because floating there was Estella and Marissa . All three of us of course recognized each and my eyes widened because they were flying towards me to give me a hug they then proceeded to tackle me and scream "SAMMY"

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