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< Dream >

Elizabeth stands near a cave, seeing a huge palace in the distance. This told her that she was either on or near demon territory. In front of the witch is a female with white hair, along black around the eyes and on her hands.

Evylin: Join me, together we will be unstoppable and get the revenge you deserve.

Elizabeth: Who are you?

Evylin: You know the answer

The demon reaches toward Elizabeth, but all seven of the Wise Ones appear around her like a shield. Evylin growls at them and the witch flinches.

Darkness: Leave her alone!

Elizabeth: Why is she in my dream?

War: Elizabeth, wake up.


Anton: Hey, I missed you.

Elizabeth: What is this place?

She notices the necklace glowing even more and looks at the guy again. He did look familiar, but she couldn't remember why. Anton looks down then gives Elizabeth a small smile.

Anton: You are in the head castle on this bloody island.

Elizabeth: Demon territory, I have always been told by the Wise Ones to never come here.

Anton: Do you remember me?

Elizabeth: I'm sorry

Anton: It is okay, I am Anton and your mom took you away when we were six.

Elizabeth: Why would she do that?

Anton: That remains a mystery, put on one of the outfits in the closet and meet me in the hallway

The Princess goes to the closet and frowns upon seeing only dresses. After a while, she puts on a long dress finishing the look with a crown.

Elizabeth: I truly am sorry, for not remembering

Anton: You look amazing, I knew you would like the crown

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Anton: You look amazing, I knew you would like the crown.

He grabs her hand and leads Elizabeth down the hall. They soon stop at a purple door, upon touching it the witch is hit with some memories.

{Memory: One}

Two kids sit in the garden outside the head castle, they were currently having a picnic. The little girl keeps looking toward the woods and comes up with an idea.

Elizabeth: We should go in the forest.

Anton: No, it is too dangerous.

Elizabeth runs into the woods and stops at a dark cave. The doll, that had been missing for two weeks, was inside of it. She enters the care and the doll disappears. In its place is a female with white hair, dark mist coming surrounding her.

Evylin: Play with me

Elizabeth: I don't know you, my mom also told me not to play with strange people.

Evylin: I am your guardian angel.

Elizabeth: No, you-

The demon grabs her and laughs when the little girl falls to the ground in pain. After entering she enters Elizabeth, the Wise Ones enter the cave with some palace guards and warlocks.

Light: We need to leave this cave.

Darkness: Sisters, the magic here is older than ours and darker than mine.

Fire: This is bad.

{Memory: Two}

Elizabeth is woken up by her mother and led through a tunnel. Soon the two meet the Wise Ones at a clearing in the woods.

Water: You are doing the right thing.

Earth: If Elizabeth stays with her father, he will only use her as a weapon.

Elizabeth: Mom, what is happening?

Light touches the little girls head, taking her memories. Elizabeth passes out and they but her in the car. Fire frowns with Darkness not liking what their sister just did.

Fire : What are you -

Light: We have decided that Elizabeth will only be allowed to use basic - small magic, doing more will probably awaken the thing that entered her in the cave THAT day.

War: Sister, this isn't -

Light: Silence

Darkness glares at light, before leaving with War and Water. The three thought Elizabeth deserved a chance at least.

Mom: Will she get the memories back?

Future: When the time is right, Elizabeth will have to make a powerful decision.


Anton: Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: I remember everything!

Anton: That is good, when you couldn't remember me I was worried.

Elizabeth: My mom took me away for protection against my father, but the Wise Ones decided to take away my memories.

Anton: Shit.

Darkness Within [ Prequel ]Where stories live. Discover now