
20 1 5

Honestly I don't know how to start this book!

Tbh today was a stressful and lonely day. I had a math test today and also had to finish another test that I didn't finish yet that I had on Friday. It was also exhausting bc I had to run the mile and so many things happening today. I came home from school and found out that one of the stuff I bought for school (it was a snack) was gone like there was only 3 left when there was a whole packet which had like 14-16 in there. Soooo I just wanted to cry bc I am sick and tired of my family taking something that belongs to me without even asking which that is like a rule in my family to like ask if something is not urs and b4 like taking it u know. Uggghhh I just wish I live on my own or smt. Anyway I just went on my day and just did some homework and listening to music. Honestly music is my forever therapy/therapist. And I love it.
If I would have to rate this day out of ten then I would give it like 4/10!

- signed by this lonely little person A.K.A Becca

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