Part-1 (Prologue)

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And many more mean words are in the list. These were the names people usually call Jungkook as.

Jeon Jungkook was an adorable child since birth. He was cute, loveable, beautiful and everyone's sweetheart. Not only his family members and his relatives but the people in his neighborhood too cherished him, even more than their own children. Jungkook is the third child among all his brothers and sister, which are five in total. Jungkook got more parent love than his siblings and being born with a golden spoon, he got all what he asked for at once. Still, he is the most loved brother, none of his siblings are jealous of him, rather they loved him like he is the youngest one. Among the five children Mr. Jeon and his wife have, there are three girls and two boys.

Ari Byun is the eldest among all. She is in her late 30s (36) and is one of the most popular Attorneys. She is married and has two children.

Moving forward we have Baek Eunjoo, the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. She is 32. Manages all the hotels under Jeons. She is a married lesbian, has an adopted son.

The third child is Jeon Jungkook. He is a 28-year-old, is the CEO of Jeon Marketing Company. Unmarried.

In last we have the twins i.e. Lee Ha Eun and Jeon Chang Ho. Both are 25 years old while Ha Eun is a minute elder than Chang Ho and that is why she always bosses around her younger brother. She is an Interior Designer and always remains serious during her work hours like Jungkook but is a totally opposite person with her family. Ha Eun is married. About Chang Ha, he is a guitarist and also plays violin as well as flute very well. He is married, it was a love marriage and it's been just a year of his married life.

So, we can say that except Jungkook, all of his siblings are married and living their respected life with full of happiness. Only Jungkook and Chang Ho with his wife lives in the Jeon Mansion, of course with Mr. and Mrs. Jeon.

Now, u might be wondering that having such a great life and being a perfect person, why is Jungkook been called by such names? So, till Jungkook reached 6th grade in primary school (his age was 11-12), his point of view for relations and having connection with someone changed. An incident happened with him, well, it might seem so simple, but it changed the whole Jeon Jungkook.

After completing his kinder garden, when Jungkook entered in primary school, and like everyone he made a new friend, Suho. They became besties and were together for like five years, which is too much. In this time, they became so close to each other and staying at each other's home was common for them. They would eat together, sleep together, play together, studied together, etc. If any one of the duos would be absent in the class, then the other will automatically be absent. But from that one day everything changed. So, when Kook and Suho passed their 5th grade, some new students came in the class. Rihana, one of the new students, she was said to sit beside Suho and like that the bond between Rihana and Suho increased. Their hometown was same and the most interesting thing for them at that time was that Rihana was just 2 days younger than Suho and their parents were besties.

Distance increased between Jungkook and Suho. Suho started spending his most of the time with his new friend. Soon the connections between the best friends broke and they were like strangers. It wasn't fully a fault of Suho; he was just an immature kid who doesn't knows the impact of his actions.

But for Jungkook, it was tough to face. He felt betrayed, maybe at that time he didn't know the meaning of the word, but the feeling was same, painful. And the first thought that came across his mind was, 'Was it all a lie?'. He wanted to ask the question but couldn't. That was the moment since when Jungkook started to maintain a healthful of distance from everyone, not a physical but emotional distance, thinking that no one will be with him till the end, nothing is permanent, nothing lasts forever but he didn't know that there will be someone who will be with him till the end. Like this a new thing took birth in Jungkook, that was SELF-LOVE. Instead of connecting himself from outer world, Jungkook got attached with himself and he knew the love growing in him for himself was the only thing that will last forever. This is how Jungkook distanced himself from everyone, the outsiders and his relatives, but what about his parents, his family, his siblings? He couldn't just ignore them; it was a tough task so; he didn't change for his family.

But again, reality hit him hard. Jungkook still remembered that day, the day when his elder sister's marriage decision was finalized (he was 15 at that time). It was a month before Ari's marriage, when Jungkook again realized that he, his siblings, his mom and dad, they won't be together forever. First his elder sister then, his second elder sister, followed by the younger twin then, his parents who are getting grey as the time passed, they will slowly leave him, and he doesn't hate them for this, all he hates since the start was the pain that made him so vulnerable.

This time he took an unbreakable decision, to kill all his emotional bonds with his family. He acted tough and cold with his family, but he was utterly shocked to see their reaction. None of the family member grew hate for him, as he thought would happen instead, they loved him more they knew what he was going from, like they could understand him, feel him and this was the time he shed rivers in his room, wetting his pillows and bed sheets. He realized that his mother, father and siblings loved him the most.

- Never eat at HOME,

- Wake up early and come HOME late,

- Never go HOME if you are sick,

- Try not to attend meetings related to hotels,

- Try to stay at office as much as u can, and many more.

Even after knowing how much his family love him, Kook still chooses to detach from them. Call his selfish or selfless, it's all your wish.



If you r reading this then, it means that you have read the prologue. I know many of u might say that 'What the heck is this?'. So, I took Jungkook's POV from a real-life character which is actually my POV, while the whole story is all my imagination. I too don't like getting attached with someone cause of the fear of losing that person, even if it's my mom or dad but I got attached with BTS so hard that I think that what will happen to me the day they will disband. No one, literally no one knew about this.

Well, I hope u all will like the story. And yeah, I am late because I was battling in head that should I write it or not. In last I would like to say that if u didn't like the plot, then comment please, I will try to change the plot and if I didn't get any comment about changing the plot then, I'll assume that u all r liking it.

Btw thanks for the love u all showed to my first ever ff.



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