Chapter 16

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          Roman looked like he wanted to murder this man and his family. But to also end more than just my ex's life. Whoever he wanted to murder, he was ready and wouldn't hesitate. 

          Once we were able to relax, a knock at the door arise and both of us were on edge. Roman headed to the door while holding out his hand. Locking and loading the gun I grabbed from his bag, Roman opened the door and saw no one there. But on the door was a note that had similar hand writing that was on the last note. Roman held it out to me and it revealed -

          'You got lucky, but next time you won't be. I'll see you back to where it all began.'

           I looked up at Roman and realized we have been followed. We were being followed the whole time. But we didn't know by who, then all of a sudden, an engine started roaring and it grabbed our attention. A Porsche with tinted windows to almost black, delayed in leaving the lot and then left once we opened the curtains. Quickly snapping a pic of the license plate, Roman was able to have lead added to the information we were given. 

           "Roman." I said.

           Roman stopped in his tracks and just by looking at his hands, I can tell he was furious. They were almost in a fist, whiteness surrounded his knuckles. 

           "If we were followed, who would it be to know we were here? Who would drive a Porsche?" I asked. 

           Roman sighed and opened the files then laptop, "My only guess, and I am hoping it is wrong, is my only best friend and partner in crime. Jace Giovanni." 

           Sitting down next to him, I knew deep down I was telling myself 'Don't do it' but it was necessary if I was going to see what he had gotten. 

           Looking over his shoulder, his laptop was going through the DMV to search for the license plate. But we only got a hit on rental car. Which seemed weird knowing how dark the windows were, it didn't seem like a rental. Rental cars would need a certain level of window tinting that allows visual of the driver, both front and side windows. 

           Sitting and staring at the screen then papers for awhile felt like we got nowhere. But we were able to put some information together that allowed us to truly know who we may be dealing with. It just felt like hours of doing nothing. Our focus, though, was disrupted by another loud boom. Jace getting up and opening the curtains, a gas station down the street was blown to bits. My expression said everything and both of us just packed everything before we left the hotel. Paying our stay was not the least of our worry, knowing that the bomb was just 2 streets down. We get in the Dodge and sped off to get somewhere safer, but the same engine roared about a few minutes after we left the parking lot. My body was shooting out signals that indicated danger but also a sense of familiarity. I remembered the engine, I looked at Roman and he was focused on getting us out of there. I never realized how intense he can look and also look attractive when he is serious about protecting those he loves. His arms showed his veins due to gripping the steering wheel tightly and my mind went to grabbing the gun and just sitting out of the car to at least hit the car. Finally getting further away from the bombing and seeing the Porsche was still behind us, I quickly grabbed the gun that Roman had in the glove box. He saw my actions, loading the gun and locking it, and saw me rolling down the window.

         "What the fuck are you doing Freya?!" he yelled over the wind blowing through the car.

         Sitting out the car and locking onto the car, I was ready to shoot. "Trust me on this!" 

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