Each species moved to different parts of the world for protection and Elizabeth's parents got back together. She saw from a distance that they had a son named Damian. Anton and Elizabeth moved to a cabin deep in the woods, but somewhat near the witches.

Anton: I'm going to get some wood for the fire

Elizabeth: Okay, be safe.

Anton: I will be back in time for us to make s'mores and do the spell tonight.

Elizabeth smiles and waits for him to come back, by the time it is dark outside Anton is still gone. She goes to the magic mirror in their room and lets Evylin contact their mate. Kantho, Anton's demon, appears before them.

Evylin: Where are you?

Kantho: The Wise Ones captured us.

Evylin: We have to do the spell!

Anton: Do it

Elizabeth: I won't do it without you!

Anton: We will be reunited again

Elizabeth does the spell and turns into a child. Evylin tells the witch to go a house in the witches village. An older Mary opens the door.

Evylin: Damn, age did her good

Mary: Are you okay?

Anne (Elizabeth) : My parents left me on the road, for being a witch.

Anne (Elizabeth) : My parents left me on the road, for being a witch

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Mary brings the little girl inside, before calling the Wise Ones. Another little girl appears and hands the newcomer a brownie. Elizabeth smiles at the girl.

(Evylin: Huh, this must be the 'baby' Dwayne had mentioned.)

Rose: I'm Rose.

Anne (Elizabeth) : I am Anne, nice to meet you.

(Evylin: Nice cover story and fake name)
(Elizabeth: Won't the Wise Ones take off the disguise, killing us?)
(Evylin: No, this spell I gave you is very powerful.)

Rose: We are going to be good friends

Elizabeth: Yes, we are


Author: Thank you for reading this book and I hope you liked it. For those of you that think it's "short", remember that it doesn't matter what the length of a person's book is.

• My other books are on my profile. Including the book that this is the prequel to called "Fire in Darkness"

 Including the book that this is the prequel to called "Fire in Darkness"

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