꩜ Sunflower

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Thick lines of blood spewed from the man's chest; the dagger harboring the pain shimmered in the sun, glimmering crimson dripping off the blade.

The Host rushed to his side, falling to his knees to become closer to his friend.

"Dex?" He laughed behind the mask he wore. "Dex, come on, now," His voice was laced with concern, though he hid it with a light chuckle. His hands drifted to Dex's face, lightly placing one on his cheek. Giving it a light slap, he looked down with widened eyes.

Dex exhaustedly turned his head to look at The Host, who almost smiled, before his eyes drifted to the pooling blood that wet his knees. The smell was putrid, but he couldn't care less.

"Dex," He laughed, moving his hand panickedly.

Dex lazily lifted a hand, every movement he made was weak and caused him to tremble all the more. He grabbed the edge of Host's mask, removing it carefully. His messy hair fell into place on his forehead.

A frail smile gently tugged at Dex's lips upon seeing the face he'd grown to only be able to hold in his memories. Despite not seeing it often, he remembered every inch of it like the back of his hand.

The Host–Daniel– felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. Vision clouded, the smile that he hid behind dropped. His lips parted gently, he almost choked on the words in his throat.


His words were softer, quieter this time, instead of the panicked moments he'd talked swiftly. The corner of Dex's lips twisted into a warm smile; possibly the last one Daniel would ever really feel comforted from.

"Quill, don't do this to me,"

Their eyes were interlocked as if they were replaying all the times they'd spent around each other over and over in their head.

"Daniel, I-"

Dex paused, wheezing a bit as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Daniel bit back his tears, wanting anything else but to cry. A painful lump in his throat formed as he saw the state his friend was in. He was weakly holding the taller in his arms, staring down at him with a frightful expression.

20 years.

He remembered how long they'd known each other.

The pain in his throat worsened.

"Daniel, don't be scar-" He coughed up a bit more of the liquid, "-ed. You'll be okay,"

"No, no, fuck no, don't talk like that, Quill–" He chuckled softly, still scared out of his mind. He couldn't believe this was happening. This wasn't happening. Dex only kept smiling. Not even a tear shed from his damn eyes.

The sun began to set, and the air was slightly cold. The wind blew by them, breezing through their hair.

"You'll be-" Dex stopped for a moment, pausing to catch his breath, "-okay. You'll be okay."

"I'll say hi to them for you."

Daniel watched in horror as his friend's eyes drifted away to stare blinklessly at the sky. His own began to twitch and pool with tears. Blood drenched his clothes as the realization set in;

This is it.

He let out a quiet, choked sob; tears streamed down his cheeks and fell upon Dex's shirt.

The air got much colder with him gone, at least that's what it felt like.

His entire body was shaking as his chest rose and fell with each quickly-paced breath he wheezed out. His face was soaked with tears as he sobbed into the taller's shirt.

"No, no, no, no, you stupid son of a bitch–wake up–" He shakily muttered, words barely audible. A soft whine escaped his lips; he shut his eyes, wishing he could just wake up from this terrible, terrible dream.

He remembered how rude he could be to Dex; he wished he could take that all back, let him know he never meant all the snarky remarks he made.

But it was too late for that now, wasn't it?

As his friend's body lay lifeless and limp in his arms, all he could do was fucking cry.

He was thankful the field they were in had been in the middle of nowhere. So nobody could hear how pathetic he was, sobbing over someone he'd treated so terribly, but had always unconditionally loved him like a father.

. . .

The sunset had grown a little brighter, and the wind had brushed the semi-tall grass that enveloped the two. It swayed against them, though only one could feel its beauty.

Daniel's eyes were tired, along with everything else. He'd stopped crying, only able to stare off into the distance, wishing he could've done something to prevent this. Anything.

A singular sunflower perked its head through the grass in the distance; it was bright, like the actual sun.

Daniel fixated his eyes on that. He admired how carefree a flower could be. He didn't stop to wonder where it came from–all he cared about was that it was happy.

A happy sunflower.

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