Shrek & Elisa

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Once upon a time in the swamp, Shrek was feeling lonely. He was tired of scaring away villagers and wanted someone to share his onions with. Then one day, while picking flowers, he saw a beautiful woman named Elisa. She had shiny hair like the sun and eyes as green as the swamp.

Shrek felt his heart do a somersault. He knew he had to talk to her. But he was nervous. What if she didn't like him because he was an ogre? What if she thought he was gross?

But Shrek took a deep breath and approached Elisa. "Hi," he said, trying not to sound too awkward.

Elisa smiled warmly. "Hi there! What's your name?"

"I'm Shrek," he replied, feeling his cheeks turn a little green.

They talked for hours, sharing stories and laughs. Shrek couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to Elisa. She didn't care that he was an ogre; she liked him for who he was.

As the sun began to set, Shrek realized something. He had found true love in Elisa. And he knew he couldn't let her go.

"Elisa," he said, taking her hand. "Will you be my princess?"

Elisa's eyes sparkled with joy. "Yes, Shrek! I'll be your princess forever!"

¡Y vivieron felices para siempre en el pantano, rodeados de amor, risas y muchas cebollas!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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