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It was the craziest sight, the Meanies couldn't believe it! Neither could the LetterJacks themselves. It was quite the sight after all. The rays of light shot all around the city! Yes, that's how big the problem was.
       Of course, rays of light like this definetly not Brain Gain.
In fact, It wasn't even something they had seen before, it was as if they had been granted special abilities. Spooky Spoon looked in disgust as the Letterjacks stared at them, they had neutral smiles plastered on their faces, almost looking to get revenge for something. Whatever it was, it was the greatest sight England - and the UK as a whole - had ever laid their eyes upon...

A was sleeping peacefully. He tugged on his blanket, wanting to fall into a deep sleep. Either that, or he was half asleep, trying again to rest. His bedroom was very small, just big enough to fit a Letterjack sized bed. There was a little bit of room left to walk around, or hop in the Letterjack's situation, but other than that it was quite small. Everybody had the same Size room. There was also a fun room with a second floor which you could get to by jumping from an elevator spring and leaping to the floor.
      The control room was most important.
It was used to hold the Brain Gain machine, which would help the Letterjacks to fight any one of the meanies. It also held the agent screen and the sight screen. Furthermore, there was an indoor playground, it came equipped with soft play and many slides! The softplay was a big playground. Which meant that the room was very big. And the last room? The launcher room. If you've been near the sofa, you'd know what the launcher is. For context, it was a large room, it was filled with panzoids which fit the Letterjacks. It came equipped with a light-up board showing who would be going out on missions, whoever was going out there, it would light up their letter. It would then use a robotic grabber to take out the panzoid that fit their letter. They would hop into it, the panzoid would turn around, and be placed in the launching spring. After a countdown, they would then push the panzoid with enough force that the letter would fly out.
         All of this was in one sofa. Which was their main base.
The chair of the sofa had a secret door which would be slid down and robotic arms would then slide down or into the sofa. This would open the door. For the letters to be launched out the base.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, sound asleep. The Letterjacks were not disturbed. It was fairly easy to get to sleep that night. After all, there were no meanies they had to deal with for the past week. But then, the unexpected happened. The Alarm went off, and all of the Letterjacks woke up. Just so that they could report to duty, was it worth it. After all, it could've just been a minor problem they could fix the next day.
      But they did it.
It could've been a minor problem, but if they hadn't had a problem for weeks, then it had to be big. There was no doubt about it. "Alrighty, Agent 93 is calling!" Bellowed B. "Let me just get her on screen." And with that, B pushed the button which turned on the shape screens. Agent 93 appeared in an instant. Everyone knew that something were to go wrong at some point. They just hadn't expected it to be now. In the middle of the night, It could've at least been in the evening, before they went to bed. "Agent 93 here, things are going wrong!" And B replied just as quickly as light could travel across the earth. "But not for long!" B looked around the room, and then he decided to prepare the screen. "There's a problem outside near the football pitch!" Agent 93 said. "Hang on," replied B, "I'm putting it on screen."
     And just like that, they were able to see which meanie was causing trouble.
The Football pitch was quite an odd place for a problem to take place. Especially because the meanies liked basketball more, or even american football. But why not have arms when you love sports like rugby or basketball. But just then, C realised exactly why there was trouble being stirred in the football park.
         It was Spooky Spoon!
She hated football the most, so it would be normal for her to stir up a pinch of trouble. But why would she do it in the middle of the night? It was far too late to figure that out, it was time to send someone to stop her. "So who's going out there?" Asked D. "I'll do it!" Exclaimed E. That was when the launcher began the preparation. It started up, and after that E slid down the slide. She went to let scanner scan through her. She was waiting by the giant board of letters, and finally the grabber grabbed her panzoid.
        She hopped into the panzoid.
After that, the panzoid was placed on the launcher spring. It was finally time. For her very first mission! The countdown began, "E, D, C, B, A!" She was sent flying around the night sky! As the crew was checking for an E to land on, they found the house number ET6 On Brothburn st. E hopped off of the E, it was now time to get from Brothburn to the London football park, which was miles away from the neighbourhood she was in. So she ventured forward. She thought to herself, was Spooky spoon the only meanie that was around or were there more? She didn't know, but she kept walking across the street.
      Eventually, she grew tired.
She practically couldn't even stand up on her base anymore. But she couldn't stop now, there was something going down on Brothburn St. It was the busiest street, even at midnight. Especially because of Brothburn airport. It was the biggest airport in the entire world! And that always came with noise. And noise. E realised this and thought that Spooky Spoon could be stirring things up in the business lounge at the airport. So she shared the idea of investigating there with her friends. After careful consideration, her friends decided to go with the idea. So E trudged into the car-park of Brothburn airport. Suddenly as she went through the automatic doors she realised why Spooky Spoon would be in a place like this. After all, it was filled with people from all around the world, kind of like a transportation hub. It would make sense why everyone was a bit weird in the airport. E knew this due to the fact that there was a man throwing a rugby ball around the hall. After that there was a worker dancing in the middle of the airport. "Have you seen anything yet, E?" Asked B, trying to get the signal to work better until he succseeded in keeping the signal alive. "No, but Spooky might as well be inside a plane somewhere!" She replied, walking to the gates.
      "You have to get on a plane to find her!" C screamed in a scared tone.
"Alright, I'm going to try this plane which takes me to..." she paused, trying to find a sign to see where she was going if she went onto the plane. She then finally finished, "Amsterdam." A looked at her in shock, wondering if sending help was needed. "Do you need some extra Letterjacks to help?" He asked. But E just shook her head and went to board the plane. Thankfully, it was a two-layer flight, and the first-class suites were unoccupied for the entire flight. She quickly went into one with a giant bed to lay on. "I need to help her!" A exclaimed, quickly making sure everything was perfect for him to get on the plane before boarding time was up. C got the launcher ready, preparing the panzoid and launching A from out of the sofa and into the night sky. While B looked for an A to land on, E lay in the Luxurious suite, tucked in the blanket. "Found an A to land on!" Exclaimed B! A quickly realised where the number was. It was seat A1. Which meant he was on the right plane, but that he was on the bottom layer. He ran up the stairs, finally finding seat B3, at the front row where, to his surprise, E was sleeping. "E!" A screamed. E woke up, "A, what are you doing here? You no i didn't need help." She said. A explained how he needed to come with her because if she went by herself she could get hurt. So after some explanation, he quickly jumped onto the seat, and into the bed-suite. B was checking to see if Spooky Spoon was on Layer 2. But she was nowhere to be found, which gave B the greenlight that she wasn't on this flight. Even though he said that, A and E didn't hear him, and by then the plane was on the runway. It was accelerating into the night-sky. A and E were tucked in the bed, A was watching a film, wondering if SS was actually on the flight somewhere. But he stayed, and rested, putting the window-blind down. E was sound asleep, but they weren't able to concentrate on the flight, It was 4 hours to Amsterdam. So they were waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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