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"i used to be so happy but
without you here i feel so low"

well i'm too lazy to make this book all formatted and fresh and i just wanna get to the good part!!

i have a lot of friends on here and honestly i love you guys so much lmaoo but im not gonna get all sappy yet

so to show my love i decided to make little gifts of my one talent, moodboards!!

also procrastinating writing because why not 🤪 someone yell at me to write

these will come out in groups since i somewhat have a life... but yeah just cause you don't get one right away doesn't mean you're not getting one at all.

and if we're not close moots then whose fault is it if you're the one expecting something hm 🤨 not mine <3

kidding kidding lol sorry
(not rlly tho)

anyways before i hurt anyone's feelings (again sorry bout that) without further ado here's: NEVER FORGET YOU

"i watched you as you left but
i can never seem to let you go"

Laurence <3

NEVER FORGET YOUWhere stories live. Discover now