Chapter 1

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Anakin Skywalker has been assigned his new legion called "The 501st". Every Jedi general has been told to go to Kamino to meet their new legions. 

Anakin's POV

"Anakin it's only good for you to get a padawan. Your wisdom should be carried on, not thrown away." Obi-Wan lectured me. I really didn't want a padawan- I mean who would? They'd only be a pain in my back! I don't understand why he wants me to get one. "Obi-Wan just because I was a good padawan doesn't mean that the others would too!" I basically yelled at him as we were in the ship with many new generals going to Kamino with us. Obi-Wan gave me a death stare and I soon realized that the generals were staring at us. "We shall discus about this later." He said with a lower voice and crossed his legs and arms as he looked away. I let out an annoyed groan and closed my eyes. What will my men be like? I hope they're not secretly Obi-Wan's clones. That would be a nightmare. I said as I chuckled but stopped when the generals were once again staring at me. Oh could this day be over already? I said as I then fell asleep.

In Kamino

I noticed someone nudging me. Oh great, its Obi-Wan. "Anakin wake up. We've landed in Kamino." He said. We were the only ones left in the ship since the other Jedi already left. "Alright alright I'm coming."  I said as I stood up and walked out of the ship. There were a few Kaminoans showing us around the clone factory. I also noticed Master Shaak Ti at somepoint- well until she disappeared. I chuckled. I wonder what kind of business she had to leave so suddenly. Obi-Wan pulled my arm as I almost hit a pole. "Focus Anakin." He said with a quiet voice. "I'm focused." I said with a smirk. We suddenly got talked over by a Kaminoan. "The clones aren't different from each other. They have the same face, hair and their armor looks the same- expect each legion has some armor pieces in their legion's colors." She said as we walked forward.

We eventually reached a big hall that was full of clones. They were all lined up according to their legions. Just like I thought they looked the same expect for the colors. "Huh?" I squinted my eyes as I saw some clones looking different from others. They were also standing at the front of their legions. "Are those troopers second-in-command?" I whispered to Obi-Wan. "Seems so." He whispered back. The Kaminoans led us to our legions. We each took our legions to smaller rooms so that we could discuss with our legions alone. The room was the same plane white looking place like everything else here was. I sighed. Someone nudged my shoulder shyly. "Umm General.." I heard the person say. As I looked over at him, I saw that he was a man of mine. "Are you a commander?" I asked without letting him ask his question. "No, I'm a captain. Captain Rex at your service." He said while saluting. I grinned proudly as I was now actually a general. "I see. I'm Anakin Skywalker. Your general-which you might already know." I answered as I grabbed his hand and shook it. "So, you were saying something?" I asked. "Right. I just thought that we should get to the room now. All the other legions are already at theirs." He said as he took his hand away fast. "Oh right, then let's go in, Captain." I said as I quickly went to the room before he could even answer anything.

The captain made every man line up and take off their helmets. I stood at the front with a proud grin on my face. After every man had took off their helmets, the captain took off his. He stood out from the clones- well not just because he was a captain, but because he had blonde hair. I stared at his hair for a while and looked back at him. He seemed to look a bit offended as I just stared at him. "Captain Rex, right?" I asked as I walked forward. "Yes sir." He said with a posture better than a board's. "Why is your hair blonde?" I said with a straight face as the troopers seemed to be hiding their giggles. "It's because I like it this way, sir." He said with a little stuttering at first. He then gave a death stare to the troopers and fixed his posture. "I see. It looks good." I said as I walked back to the front. 

As I was about to open my mouth, Master Shaak Ti came to the room. "Skywalker. I assume you've told the men about your tactics and strategies?" She asked. I chuckled a bit to ease the awkwardness about the fact that I indeed had not. "Not yet, why? What's going on?" I asked as I crossed my arms. "You're going to be sent to Christophsis along side with General Kenobi and the 212th." I grinned. Finally some action! "Got it. Captain, get your men ready to go." I said as I left the room with Shaak Ti. "So we're really going to trust these clones?" I asked with a low tune. "These clones are under the Republic's watch, under my watch. If they were a harm then we'd know it by now." Shaak Ti answered with a tune sounding like she'd start slamming me around the factory using the force. "Alright, I was just curious." I said as I rose my hands up playfully. We got outside and saw Obi-Wan waiting. I waved at him as I was soaking wet even after being outside for a second. He didn't look so happy seeing me- as usually. "Anakin where are your men?" He shouted from the ship. I looked behind me and then saw how Rex and the 501st rushed to me. "They're right here. Now could you just give me a break now?" I said as I bowed my head to Master Shaak Ti and jogged to the ship. My men followed me  up to the ship. The ship left as soon as everyone was inside. 

Inside the ship

The clones seemed very nervous. Not because of the battle but because there were Jedi right next to them who'd be judging their moves. Not me though. I enjoy some risky situations. I wanted to ease up the mood so I begun to walk towards my troopers. "So, I've told some stuff about myself already." I said as I caught everyone's attention. "My suggest is that everyone says their name one by one." I smiled. The clones looked at each other with a confused face but then smiled. "Who wants to start?" I said with a grin. Many men rose their hands. I pointed at someone and nodded. The clone took off his helmet. They had took off them earlier too but I was too focused on the captain. I noticed that the clone had a big tattoo of the GAR. "I'm CT-5597, sir. Also known as Jesse." He said. "You've got a good looking tattoo." I said as I hit his arm playfully. The clone laughed but didn't dare to do it back. "Who'd like to go next? Maybe you with those blue tattoos?" I pointed at a clone that had weird tattoos on his face.  "The name's Hardcase." He said and shook my hand. Rex seemed to look down at him with a furious face since Hardcase treated me like one of his brothers. Time passed by as we had now gone around every clone. It took for sure it's time since we were now on Christophsis. Obi-Wan came to look for me and told the plan real quick until we went outside.

Hello there. This was a short chapter since it was after all the first one! I'm not the biggest fan of the battle of Christophsis so I might skip it to the good part for the next chapter. Anyways if I made some mistakes here or something else that caught your mind, tell me! It will help me improve and make this much nicer for you to read. I might not post much but my current goal is to post weekly! Maybe even twice a week! But thanks for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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&quot;A General And A Captain?&quot; Captain Rex x Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now