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Although it was often said that vampires and Lycans were just myths. It was also told in legend that the vampires would come down to the villages from their fortress to be among the mortals to ensure peace. It was the year of 1550 AD, and after the world was struck with a deviation of infection and death the vampires made the bold choice to help the human race survive. After many failed attempts of protection for the human race. The vampires eventually decided to give up on the human race and focus on the survival of their own. There were lower noble male vampires that would come to the village brothel for sex and blood. It was exceedingly rare to have an elder come.
My name is Cassandra, a mere human of age seventeen. I had been sent to the market for fruit, vegetables, and grain by my father. My mother had been taken by the vampires for the yearly sacrifice almost two decades ago. I had been just born a month prior to the selection. My father had been devastated by this. I was his only daughter, therefore he was protective of me. When it was time for the selection, he and my three older brothers would hide me in the cellar. I stood at the apple vendor as I looked at the apples.
"Why, hello, Cassandra," said Caleb, the son of the owner.
"Morning, Caleb. Can I get a dozen of your best apples? My brother, Corban, wants an apple pie with supper tonight."
"Of Course. Did you hear the news?"
"What news?"
"The vampires are having their selection tomorrow at dusk."
I dropped my basket, turned, and ran towards my home. As I ran, I tripped over a rock. As I began to fall, I felt a cold hand grab me around the waist catching me from falling. When I gained my balance, I looked up into the blood red eyes of a vampire. Yet, instead of cold dead eyes, I saw eyes that were full of life and kindness.
"Are you alright, Miss?" he said with a soothing voice, as he held my hand, he ensured my balance.
"Y-y-yes. Thank you. Who are you?"
"I am Orpheus. And you, Milady?
"Cassandra. I'm sorry, I must get home. My father and brothers will be worried."
"Another time then, my lady"
I walked away and when I got home, my brothers were standing against the table.
"You reek of vampire, Sister," said Eaton.
"I was running and I tripped. If it wasn't for the young vampire that caught me, I would have gotten hurt."
"You were touched and seen by a vampire?!" My father yelled as he stormed from his room.
"Not like you said they were. He was kind, Father. Yes, his skin was cold as ice and his eyes were red like blood, but he wasn't coldhearted or unkind as you say."
"They took your Mother when you were only a child!"
"Yes, I know. You have told me this before. You do not need to remind me. I have never known her except through the stories from you and my brothers. I have heard rumors that they never were killed but turned against their will. I will be giving myself for the selection tomorrow at dusk so I can see if these rumors are true or lie. I don't care if they are lies, if I die then so be it."
I turned and went to my room, locking the door. I pulled out a book I had been reading for a few days and laid on my bed. Hours had passed and it was dark out. I felt a cold wind and in the corner, I saw a figure. I sat up slowly and as I did, I saw who it was.
"Orpheus? Is that you?" I whispered.
He came from the shadows and came to sit next to me.
"Why are you giving yourself as a volunteer for the sacrifice?"
"I've heard the rumors. That you all turned the women you take. I must look for my mother. She was taken seventeen years ago when I was a babe."
He sighed and took my hand.
"Cassandra... these rumors are true. However every so often, we give a volunteer a choice. That year is this one."
"Orpheus, you must convince whoever chooses to pick me. I must find my mother."
"Do you have a gown worthy of the choice?"
" You must have a gown to show you are worthy of the sacrifice."
"No, I don't."
"What is your favorite color?"
"I have two. Blue and deep red."
"I will see what I can do."
With a gust of wind, he was gone. I smiled to myself and laid back down. As I shut my eyes, I felt that gust of wind and the blanket pulled over me.
When I awoke, I saw a dress of deep red and blue with black gems covering the bodice that would outline the chest. There was a note and a small sack on my bedside. I took the note and began to read it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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