❁ Tonight- Part One ❁

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Requested by: HavinAFullOnGayPanic

Oneshot-7; Part One
Words: 3488


"What's going on!" A man screamed, running around to the captain's deck. 

"It's sinking! We are sinking!" A woman screamed through tears, "There is a huge storm!" 

Namjoon came running from the captain's deck, escorting the crew members to the ship's edge where a few small boats were kept, enough for them to escape this ship. Namjoon and the captain were still fighting to regain control of the ship, which could now capsize. 

Deep, stormy grey clouds covered the moon and stars as heavy rain began to pour over the already-soaked and exhausted male. The other crew members had retreated down the ladder, but Namjoon remained, judging to see if he should try to abandon the cargo ship, or if it would be better to stay. He didn't have to choose, though. A final wave struck the ship and washed Namjoon overboard, sending him plunging into the white-tipped waves.

Namjoon broke to the surface of the water, gasping. The waves crashed around him, shoving him back underwater. He fought his way back above the waves again, only to be drug under again. Namjoon had been taught to swim parallel to the shore if caught in a riptide, but it was hard when you didn't know where the shore was. He tried to stay conscious, but between oxygen deprivation, and sheer exhaustion, it wasn't possible. Namjoon felt the world go black as the current drug him again. 


Namjoon rolled over and coughed out what he thought was at least a gallon of water. When he could breathe again, he sat up and looked around. Innocent waves were lapping at his feet, and Namjoon shuddered, moving further up the sandy beach. Carefully getting to his feet, he brushed the sand from his dripping wet clothes. Namjoon turned away from the ocean, and what he saw left his jaw hanging open.

Beyond the beach lay a lush jungle, with a beautiful blend of palm trees, ferns, and flowers, along with many trees and plants that Namjoon didn't recognize. It was possibly the most amazing thing he had ever seen. 

He decided to set off into the forest to find shelter, and most importantly, food. As he crashed through the underbrush, Namjoon discovered that jungles were not just pretty plants growing close together. They were full of hidden dangers. At least he knew some things about the jungle and quickly stopped himself from eating a handful of poisonous berries. 

A few minutes later, Namjoon heard the sound of flowing water. He ran towards the sound of flowing water. It became louder with every step he took, and soon Namjoon was close enough to see the little creek, flowing quickly over the smooth rocks. Namjoon dropped to his stomach, not caring about the rocks digging into his ribs, and drank. The water was much cleaner and clearer than the water from his town's well at home, and he appreciated the absence of mud and grime. After Namjoon had drunk his fill, he stood and, in the gradually dying light, started to focus on his next necessity: food.

Namjoon went a bit deeper into the forest, looking around for edible fruits, when he stumbled upon a clearing. 

A cottage?
Does someone live here?

He strode towards the cottage, completely immersed in the stunning flower garden, tall trees, and the refreshing pool nearby. Namjoon gasped in awe as he looked around at the beautiful surroundings. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a tiny boy with big, brown doe eyes. The boy was gorgeous, with perfectly framed eyes, that were framed by long, luscious lashes that gracefully swept his cheekbones every time he closed them. A sight so captivating, it could leave anyone spellbound. He had a perfectly built button nose. His lips were pink and puffy. He had wings and was wearing a beautiful pink hanbok with flower embroideries, along with a pretty flower crown. With a perplexed expression on his face, he tilted his head, looking at me with confusion. 

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