Chapter one: Maybe a new man is all he needs

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It was one of those days that Moxxie wished his dad was away for work. Especially since he wanted his boyfriend Chaz to come to his place for them to Voxflix and chill. But of course his dad had to be there to ruin the mood. His dad never liked Chaz and always said that he will betray him or fuck him up somehow. But Moxxie never listened to his dad, he always believed that Crimson just didn't know Chaz as much as he did. His dad wasn't the one how hangs out with him, has sex with him, and talks to him. Moxxie is the one who does all of those things with his boyfriend. So Crimson doesn't really have a saying to all of this when he doesn't know Chaz like a lover, but knows him as a worker.

Moxxie wanted to go to Chaz's place but knew his dad won't let him. Crimson has always been strict with Moxxie most of his childhood and even today, especially when it came to hanging out with his friends or his new boyfriend. He's dad did let him date who he wanted which he was grateful for. But when it came to Chaz something changed his dad's mind. He didn't say that Moxxie couldn't hang out with him or date him. But the way he always tried to shut Moxxie off when he asked him if he can go and he with his boyfriend just said it all. Moxxie needed to lie to his dad in order to be able to be with his boyfriend today.

Moxxie was cut off my his thoughts when he heard his phone go on. When he looked at his phone screen it showed a text that had his boyfriend's profile picture and name on the message. This made Moxxie smile and he clicked on the message.

(Private messages between Moxxie and Chaz)

Chaz: Hey baby, I was just thinking about you. How about you come to my place so we and hang?😉

Moxxie: Oh that does sound nice but I don't think my dad will let me...😔

Chaz: Are you serious right now? Look babe I really miss you can't you lie to your old man? For me please? I want to see you... and touch your fine ass body 😏

Moxxie: Okay, okay I will try and do something.🙄

Chaz: Good because I miss that fat ass of your, it's been too long baby 😫💔

Moxxie: I know and I'm sorry but I love you Chazzy🥺🖤

Chaz: I love me too🖤

Moxxie: Babe😡

Chaz: Just kidding, well not really I do love myself but I also love you to Mox 🫶

The last message made him smile and feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. He really loved Chaz so much that he will kill for him if he had to. And Moxxie hoped that Chaz would do the same for him. He really needed to see his boyfriend now, and thought if a plan that he hoped will work. Instead of telling his dad and trying to convince him of letting him hang out with his boyfriend, he decided to sneak out instead. He just needed to be sure that the time will be when his dad's meeting will start. And luckily for him it would only be a twenty minute wait even less if gusset start to show up early.

In that amount of time he can get ready to look pretty for his boyfriend. Not that he didn't know he was pretty, he just wanted to look even nicer than he already was if that was possible. He spent the last 15 minutes trying to pick out his outfit. He didn't even realize how much time went by and knew he had to hurry. Sure his dad will be in a meeting but that meeting at most will last two hours, and that's how long that usually takes him to get ready. And not to mention how long it would take to go to Chaz's house and come back home then get unready. This didn't leave him much time to be with Chaz so it was better than nothing.

He decided to just ware short shorts that were tight on his thick thighs, and a simple white shirt that said the word "A Proud Whore" on it. He texted his boyfriend before he opened his window and used a rope latter that he hid inside if his closet, for things like this. He claimed down from the window and  made it down safely without his dad noticing him. He broke a car window down and climbed inside of the car which luckily some idiot forgot to get there keys and left it in the car. Moxxie just hoped it was a spare key and that their car wasn't actually opened, because if so then that meant he almost got cut from the broken glass for noting. He started the engine and hoped seeing his boyfriend drive around would be enough information for him to drive.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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