Dirty Conscience

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Hello My darlings! I have made it to chapter three... Admittedly a bit of a shorter chapter because as expected my motivation has plummeted. 
This chapter does have 'big person language' and mention rape (Not in detail, just a mention) so if you are uncomfortable just click off, love. 
Again thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, for reading this shitty story and I hope you all have a great day/night

I found myself standing on the stone pathway, watching Heather as she eyed Veronica, who stood near the fountain outside with Jason Dean. "I think she likes him," Heather mused, a smirk crossing her face as she brushed away the tears that had been welling in her eyes. I had told her she could cry to me after the funeral.

Turning to inspect the conversation between Veronica and Jason, I noticed Jason smiling, and Veronica... blushing?

"Ew, Heather, that's gross. Veronica can go and have dates in privacy," I muttered, rolling my eyes as I inspected my nails. Heather shrugged, turning to me.

"Speaking of dates, I have a small favor to ask you..."

"No, I am not going on a date with you," I replied simply, rolling my eyes again and focusing on my nails. Heather let out an exasperated sigh.

"No, Heather, I was going to ask you to go on a double date. I'm with Kurt, and Ram needs a date."

My face contorted into a scowl as I crossed my arms over my chest. "C'mon, Heather... I already agreed, and I don't feel comfortable going with both of them!" Heather pleaded, her face flushed and wide eyed.

"What abandoned cow paddock will I find myself at tonight?"
 I grumbled, reluctantly agreeing to Heather's request. Heather's face lit up with a grateful smile, and I couldn't help but return a small smirk. If it made her stop with the waterworks, I guess I could go out and join her.

"I promise, Heather, no cow paddocks."

"Famous last words," I mumbled, sitting against a tree with Heather as Kurt and Ram laughed, doing a piss poor-job of keeping quiet while tipping a cow into the mud. Glaring at Heather, I saw her give me an apologetic smile, her yellow jacket stained with mud and cow dung, her skirt slightly torn from where Kurt grabbed her and refused to let her go.

Kurt stumbled over to us, swaying with glazed eyes and slurred speech. "Heather~," he slurred, causing me to scoff in disgust and instinctively position myself in front of Heather.

"Leave her alone, Kurt," I hissed, glaring at him.

"But she's so damn hot, she can't go wearing a skirt like that and expect me to not say anything!"

"Look," Ram interjected, staggering up behind Kurt, "if you get Veronica here, then we can reconsider and leave you two alone." I shot Heather a curt nod, signaling my agreement.

"What the hell, Heather?" I heard Veronica's voice, half an hour later, as she made her way into the paddock, her eyes narrowing as she saw us and her lip curling into a scowl as she spotted Kurt and Ram. They wasted no time in grabbing her, pulling at her jacket, and attempting to tackle her to the ground, drunken and delirious slurs filling the air. 

Veronica screamed as she fell into the mud, her clothes stained, and Chandler would be horrified. Heather had already made an escape back up the field to the safety of the car, but I remained behind the tree, watching everything unfold.

"What the Fuck is going on here?"

A male voice yelled from behind my and my shoulders tensed as the familiar, yet peculiar accent pulled Kurt and Ram from there advances as they moved off the poor girl, caked in mud, her blue jacket stained. I duck behind a tree letting the leaves cover me as Ram and Kurt evacuate, leaving Jason to grab Veronica up by the wrist."What do you think you're doing?" He hissed to her and Veronica, obviously shaken tries to keep her voice calm as she turns to him...

"A favor for Heather..."

"Another fucking Heather..." Jason muttered, and I could swear a flicker of something animalistic flashing in his eyes as he turned to Kurt and Ram, kicking them both to the ground. Being so drunk, they didn't put up a massive fight.

 I winced and turned away, scrambling back up behind the tree to find Heather sitting in my car with her hands over her ears shaking her head.

Unlocking the car door, I crawled into the driver's side and gently pulled her hands away from her ears. "Heather?" I asked, noticing her tears and trembling hands. I pulled her into a hug, wrapping my arms around her despite my better judgement.

"What's the matter now?" I whispered as I felt her sobbing against me, her tears staining my green jacket with snot as I try and hold back a disgusted scoff.

"V-Veronica," she stuttered softly. "She trusted me, and I just left her alone with the two biggest jerks of the school."

My heart sank as I looked down at her. "Heather... Veronica is fine... Jason Dean left them drunk and flailing in cow shit... c'mon... I'll take you home."

Heather looked up, somewhat surprised, her blue eyes widening before she gulped and nodded.

"She's okay?" she whispered softly, and I nodded, pointing out the black motorbike hidden among the trees as two figures climbed over the fence and onto it.

Starting the car, I slammed on the accelerator, eager to leave as soon as possible, skidding back out onto the main highway in the opposite direction of the motorbike. I knew the way to Heather's place like the back of my hand, her parents never returning from business trips and holidays, left Heather alone most of the time. Chandler and I often had sleepovers to keep her company. But that was all in the past now.

As I pulled into her driveway, I looked at her as she leaned against the window and sighed. "Goodnight, Heather."

She gave me a nod of acknowledgement before scrambling out of the car and disappearing into the house. Despite not wanting to stay out longer than I had to, I waited until I saw the lights in Heather's room on the third floor turn off, indicating she had gone to bed.

Sneaking back into my own room through the balcony, I crawled into bed and sighed, staring down at my hands. Veronica had nearly suffered something I had been trying to avoid since my rise to fame in freshman year. Worse yet, I was willing to leave her alone until Jason Dean intervened.

Turning onto my side, I sighed. This was a problem for tomorrow.

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