i don't have any more names :P

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Jupiter sighs and floats off, hoping not to hear Saturn.

(With iris and Neptune, also time skip a bit idk)



"Do you think Jupiter is OK?"

"Why are you asking that?"

"He's been acting off like... insane! Or something!"

"Jupiter would never act like that.. He's the least person who would do that -"

Iris looks over at Jupiter to see him going insane


"Ugh... fine He's going crazy."

"That's not helping, irisssssssssss!!!!"

"Nep, I'm sorry, but I really don't care."

"Fine! If you don't care, I'll leave then."

Neptune floats off back to his orbit to play with his asteroids alone without iris.

(With !^new character^!)

"HA.... HA...! HA! HAHAHAHAA! they are driving theirselfs apart! PERFECT FOR MY PLAN!"

The shadow continues to laugh to itself.

<try and guess who the new character is! -I've given the name before/hints->

THE SOLAR TAKE OVER (A SOLARBALLS FANFIC AU)Where stories live. Discover now