Super Internet Café System

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young man wearing a bright blue robe, who looked about 15 or 16-years-old, suddenly pushed open the door and barged into the internet café, as if he was in a hurry to do something.

His clothes were custom-made, but they were still as tight as they could be. The button in front of his belly looked like it was about to burst open from all his fat.

However, this fatty's steps were lighter than feathers, unlike those who lacked exercise.

After walking in, the fatty's eyes immediately landed on Fang Qi. "Qi, why are you still guarding this shop of yours? Oh, and why didn't you tell me that you're in a new business now? If you told me, I could've helped advertise for you."

Fang Qi knew this fatty; he was Wang Tai, the son of the owner of Huaxian Pavilion, a restaurant on the neighboring street. The original owner of Fang Qi's body didn't have many friends, but this fatty was one of them.

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