Chapter 1: Awakening

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" What a lovely morning " A beautiful girl says, awakened from her deep-deep slumber.

" I see it's a very bright day " The girl says, while admiring the gorgeous scenery outside, funny shaped clouds, colorful balcony flowers, birds soaring and dancing within the clouds, it looks like it is a pleasing day.

Getting restless she jumps out of her bed and goes outside of her room, running through the gigantic hallway where she was met with two gigantic doors, she who was unfamiliar with the place goes through the right door, which automatically opened for her although curious she didn't waste any time as she runs inside the room where she sees various of people wearing maid dresses to shining knight armors which all have a surprised expression but she still continued run until she reach the exit of this place.

Bursting out, she was met with the glorious scene of tall trees, a beautiful garden, and butterflies fluttering high and low. She, Feeling the surges of energy she runs around the place acting like a kid touching everything from the flowers to the big trees, and chasing and capturing those colorful butterflies. Until, finally she stops by a tree and takes shade, laying down, she closes her eyes and feels the warm summery breeze which takes all her exhaustion away making her smile, and sings a beautiful song, enchanting the place, filling it with calmness and peace.

Might be wondering who is this girl? Don't worry we'll get to that.

The maids and knights were all in shock, most of them were still processing who was the person they just saw now. Although their shock to the core there are also the happiest people right now, since their master has finally woken up from deep-deep slumber, after almost 2000 years they can finally see their master awaken and cheerful again as the enchanting voice sorrounded the whole place making everyone hear the song, which brought such happiness that some even started crying, as they all watch their master sing under the big tree sorrounded by falling leaves and flowers, and the beautiful butterflies dancing, and filling the place with dashing colors creating such a beauty of a scene which made them all calm and peaceful.

Admiring the singing for a couple of minutes it finally comes to a stop. The maids and knights then all shout " Welcome Back AME-Sama " which Ame also gives back with a heart full smile and an energetic wave. 
Giggling a bit as she approaches them, her heart can't stop beating now as she wonders what adventure will come her way.

A new beginning for her.

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