Introduction + Suggestions

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This little series will be comprised of both suggestions and my own ideas! Please keep in mind that all ratings in this book are my own personal opinions and take on the ships- If you don't agree, that's cool! Feel free to put your own rating in the comments!

This is the chapter where you can suggest any ship you like! (Or don't like 👀 Least favorite pairs are welcome to be rated too) I'll do a chapter on every ship commented here!

Pairings will be rated 1-10, and at the end be given a star rating as a little bonus! Is that redundant? Absolutely. But I'm just here to have fun and rate battle cat ships, y'all.

Be sure to stay respectful of others and their shipping preferences! 💝

Feel free to tag any friends if you think they'd have fun reading along and rating pairings with me! 🐌

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