The Dark Past

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April 28:

It was a normal sunny day with the sound of laughter filling the atmosphere, as a family of four sing happy birthday to the youngest child, Suri.
"Happy Birthday to you! Now blow the candles and make a wish, but don't tell anyone!" The mother said to her young son, who is turning 13, as he blew the candles. "This is going to be the best day ever!!"
The headquarters:
"Master Kazuki...Me and my brother are willing to stop being gods..." Someone said while his brother stood by his side.
"Inozu and've been the gods of darkness and light for a couple of years! Why do you want to stop?!" Kazuki said.
"I know...but we have families that we want to stay with...that we want to take care of...that we don't want them to be threatened by our enemies..." Inozu replied.
He sighs in disbelief, as he comments, "Fine...come with me..." They started following him as they went down to the basement of the headquarters. It was a dark room, with walls of steel, as if it was to protect humans from something.
"Why is it so...protected..." Izonu asked, though he didn't get a response. They arrived, as they stood by a table made out of stone.
"Izuno, put the oni mask on the table."
"Why are we starting with me?!?!" Izuno said shockingly.
"I'm glad you asked. The Oni Mask is not as stable as the Omi Mask. When you release the power from you into the mask on this table, either the dark power goes back to the mask and the task is finished, or the dark power will fail to go back to the mask and it will take over your body and will seek destruction. That's why this room is made out of steel and is protected by a barrier." Kazuki explained.
"What is this table...and how do you know all this?" Kazuno asked curiously.
"This table is from ancient times... it contains a power from the time of the war that is covered by stone. This power is able to release God's abilities eternally. And...about your other question... I'm the immortal god. Yes, most gods are immortal, but there are things that can go through their immortality, killing them, but my powers make me immune to everything. I'm over 78000 years old, and I know everything about the light and dark powers because I've already witnessed them with my own eyes." Kazuki answered, as both Izuno and Kazuno stand there, frozen in place, flabbergasted by the information given to them.
"Now, come on, put the mask on the table, and release your power into it."
Izuno puts his hand on the mask, and releases his power. "It worked!" He said as the mask disappeared.
"Is that supposed to happen..." He stood still, staring at the table with his eyes wide-open. Kazuki smiled, resting his eyes, looking over at the table. "It has finally chosen someone."
"What?" Izuno said with a confused expression.
"The Mask has finally found someone that is worthy of having its powers and able to control its abilities freely."
"Does that happen oftenly?"
"It has only happened once...centuries ago...this is the second time I've witnessed it." Kazuki said, getting up from the chair. Unexpectedly, he screamed at Kazuno, who was about to release his power into the mask.
"What?" He said innocently thinking he did something wrong.
"Don't, as a god who isn't worthy of having the mask, you're the only non-worthy god able to see the dark god and detect his presence... Kazuno, your final mission is to find the dark god, and after that, you shall rest for the rest of your life." Kazuki expounded.
Kazuno sighed, looking at Kazuki. "Although I want this to end... your wish is my command." He said, putting the mask on his face and disappearing.
"What now..." Izuno said.
"The cafeteria should be open by now...wanna go grab a snack?" Kazuki asked.
"Who would reject that offer?" He said as they both left the basement.
Suri's POV:
As he starts thinking about which gift to open first, a group of men bust through the door, armed with guns and bats. They shot the whole family, and started breaking the whole house down, taking all the expensive jewelery, furniture, money, and decorations. A short period of time passed by, the whole house looked like an abandoned home from a world war. Everything was broken, all of the furniture was demolished and taken, everyone was dead...except for Suri, who was standing still, looking at the ground that was filled with blood. His eyes were fixed on it, as it flows on the ground like a river. Everywhere he looked, up and down, side to side, he saw thick dark redness...
"Is everyone dead?" One of the guys said.
"There is only one kid left, the birthday kid!" The other guy replied, as they started laughing. "What a shame! Lost his parents on his birthday! Torturing you will be a nice gift for us..." They mocked him, as they laughed at him. The laughs haunted him, their voices going through his mind as he thinks about his dead parents. Hearing his breath become heavier, his face fills with anger, as his teeth start screeching in madness. Each one of them held their equipment, as they slowly approached the kid. Unexpectedly, a mask appeared on Suri's face, the Oni Mask. He looks up, his neck completely bending, with his hand out, pointing at the guy behind him. "Die." He said, as the guy's face completely explodes. Everyone stood in shock, as Suri turned around, looking back at all of them, with a dark aura around him. The Dark God has finally awakened. He stepped on the ground with force, causing a huge shockwave to knock everyone back. Suri started teleporting to every one of them, killing them with no mercy. He kept killing each one until there were only four left. He teleported to the first, and cracked his neck by just looking at him, killing him. He teleported to the second one, crossing his middle and index finger, forming a circle around the guy's neck from his dark powers, slicing his head, executing him. He teleported to the last guy, grabbing him by his face, and picking him up, throwing him on the ground with intense force on the guy's face. Dark tentacles came out of the ground, going through the guy's body, eliminating him. Only one person was left. Suri looked back at him, with darkness coming out of his mask.
"PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!! I HAVE A FAMILY!! I'M SORRY!!!" He screamed while he begged on his knees for mercy. His heart beat stopped for a second, feeling the cold atmosphere coming out of Suri as he approached him.
"I...had a family..." Suri said with a deep menacing voice, as he put his hand up, pointing his palm at the guy. He stared at him through the mask. He felt paralyzed, fear tormenting him, his blood freezing in his veins, as tears went down his face. Suri closed his hand, looking at the guy. The guy's body wasn't moving, as it started getting bigger and bigger, exploding into meat chunks. Kazuno finally arrived, looking at the dead bodies all around the house.
"What...happened here..." He felt goosebumps on all his body, as looked over at Suri, who was about to fall. Kazuno caught him immediately, as the oni mask stuck to Suri's waist. "He's just a child...yet he went all through that... what a horrifying event to be in..." He teleported back to the headquarters.
Both Kazuki and Izuno were lying down on the couch with their hands on their stomachs.
"I ate way too much..." Izuno said as he accidentally burped.
"I'm completely stuffed...I feel like I'm about to die...despite being immortal..." Kazuki said.
Kazuno sighed in disbelief, as he put Suri on another couch, laying him down and covering his body with a blanket. He put the Omi mask on the table, and released his power, as it also disappeared. Kazuki got up in shock.
"It's finally over..." He said as Kazuno smiled. "Thank you for everything... me and my brother shall leave now." He said as he lifted Izuno. "YOU'RE DAMN HEAVY!!" They both left.
"Hygeia, try using your healing powers on him, make sure he's okay." Hygeia, the goddess who heals, nodded as she got to work. "I'm going to look for the light god for now."
1 hour later
"You're finally awake..." Kazuki said, as he continued slicing apples.
"Where am I..." Suri asked, rubbing his eyes.
"You' a safe place, Suri."
"How do you know my name?"
"It's a long story..." Kazuki said as he looked at Suri. "Want a piece?"
"Sure...what is that energy coming out of you?" Suri wondered.
"I am a god with powers, just like you, the true dark god."
"Gods? Powers? Oh...the one I used to kill those people...wait...why did you call me the TRUE dark god?"
"Good question. The mask chose you as its successor. It's going to trust you with its true and real powers." Kazuki gave Suri a slice of apple.
"Of all people, why me?" He asked, eating the apple gently.
"That's a question that can't be answered by me. The mask can see the true being you are. It can see your anger...feel your coldness... It considered you worthy for a reason which only the masks knows about."
"You're the immortal god... and... There's another god in here..." He said, looking over at the corner of the room. "The light god..."
"The TRUE light god..." Kazuki chuckled.
"The mask also chose him...or her?"
"He's a boy...don't worry. And yes, the mask chose him."
"Am I allowed to meet him?" He asked.
"Not two can't meet each other two have to train, and one day, fate will bring you two to stumble to each other.
"Hm...I guess I'll wait..." He said, as Kazuki left the room. "Rest well."
"Master, are we going to keep both of them in the headquarters?" Hygeia asked.
"Our job is done, Hygeia...after they meet, I will let them go, and make them live a normal life... despite Suri not having a family, I'll try and make him live a good life... I will insure it."
Four years later:
Suri wore the mask, transforming into his god form while training on training dummies. He teleported to the first one, wrapping a rope of darkness around him, squishing it as it exploded into several wooden chunks. He teleported to the next, jumping and kicking his face with some dark power on his leg, as his face came off and flew. Kazuki caught the head.
"Be careful almost killed me." Kazuki said, smiling. "You should go rest..."
"Why...I just started..." Suri asked emotionlessly.
"You have been training very hard this past week." Kazuki said.
"Whatever." He said, teleporting out of the headquarters.
"Master, do you even know where he goes?" Hygeia said, looking at the wooden chunks on the ground.
"There is a small hill where he goes to watch the sunset alone." Kazuki smiled.
Suri sat in that specific spot. The wind was so strong, Suri's black fluffy hair was flying. There were footsteps behind him, getting closer, yet Suri ignored, leaving his eyes at the sunset.
"So you also like sitting here?" A boy of the same age said, smiling at him with his hand on Suri's shoulder.
"Who are you?" Suri asked.
"My name is"
"Suri..." He said with no emotions.
"Nice to meet you, Suri." He sat down next to him, looking at him.
"You are the light god...aren't you, Kazuya?" Suri said, not looking at Kazuya.
"How did you know..." Kazuya was confused.
"I'm also a god...the dark god." Suri said.
"Oh! Aren't you the other god at the headquarters?" Suri nodded.
"That energy..." Kazuki said, as closed his book, looking at the wall in front of him. "They finally met..." He smiled widely. "Tomorrow, both of them will leave the job is finally done..."
The next day:
"Rise and shine, Suri." Kazuki said, opening the curtains, letting the sun rays enter the room, lighting it up.
"What do you want?" Suri said, unable to open his eyes.
"You're leaving...Come on, get up." Kazuki smiled.
"What? Where?"
"The driver will explain everything to you... all of the information is with him, don't worry."
In the car:
"First of all...where are we going, Ceno? Second of all, why am I leaving?" Suri asked.
"First of all, you're going to your new house. We've arranged everything in it. You have food, a place to sleep, a place to be entertained, and everything. We even enrolled you in a school. We've done all the papers, arrangements, and payments, so there's no need to worry. And the second's a long story... Centuries ago, Kazuki's father kept the old chosen ones in the headquarters. They were Erebus, the dark god, and Mazda the light god. He kept them in order to protect and take care of them, hoping he would keep them safe and alive because they're the chosen ones. But they escaped...they felt isolated, and felt like they didn't have enough freedom. During the chaos war, both of them were fighting against Apophus, the god of chaos, and Phobus, the god of fear. They started a war because both of their opponents were destroying many realms, and their realm was next. The dark and light army was scared and horrified, but both Erebus and Phobos fought against that fear...Later, they combined their powers, despite having no training, dealing a huge explosion that destroyed all the realm, and everyone in it, including Erebus, Mazda, Phobos, And Apophus." Ceno answered.
"How do you even know all this?" Suri asked.
"Anteous...the god of invincibility was the one who told Kazuki the story, and Kazuki told me the whole story... Kazuki was just a 25,000 year old kid, and he was in the hospital and was dying..."
"A 25,000 year old KID, not even surprised."
"That's the immortal family." He chuckled. "On the same day, Antaeus was in the war with Erebus and Mazda. After the explosion, he was the only one who survived, despite being very weak and barely able to move. Erebus and Mazda were directly in front of him, laying down on the ground, dead. Antaeus told Hades, the god of the underworld, to call for Psyche, the goddess of souls, since Hades was the only god that was able to call her. When she appeared, Antaeus told her to make the dark god and light god's souls into masks, and take his own soul and give it to his son, Kazuki. She did as he commanded, and did everything he wanted her to do. After giving Kazuki Antaeus's soul, and giving him the masks, Kazuki's story started. He didn't want to make the same mistake his father did."
"Didn't you say Antaeus told Kazuki the story?"
"Yes...Antaeus's soul told him."
"Do all gods have the souls of gods?"
"Only the chosen ones." Ceno continued driving.
After that conversation, the ride was completely silent. Suri was just sitting, staring at the trees and surroundings around him through the window.
"We arrived." Ceno said, pulling the handbrake up. Suri went into his new home, looking around.
"Before we say goodbye...there's one more thing." Suri looked back at Ceno. "Take this." He handed him a box with wrapping gifts.
"This was the only gift that was left in that house after the incident." Ceno said.
"Thank you...Ceno..."
They said their goodbyes, as Ceno drove away. Suri closed the door of his house, looking at the gift. It was a black necklace with a black crescent moon at the end of it. It also had a note.
"This is a gift from your mom and I. I don't know if you'll like it, but I think it fits you. Just want to say that I love you, Suri, and I'll always be on your side. -your real father"
"My real father? Have I not with my real family?" Suri asked himself, as he laid down on his bed. "Tomorrow's my first day at school...what a drag." He slept throughout the whole day.
The Next Day:
Suri woke up to the sound of the annoying alarm, ruining his peace and quietness.
"Can't even sleep peacefully." He said, following it by a "tsk" as a sign of annoyance and disappointment. He wore his clothes, and headed towards his school which was a couple of minutes away from his house. He arrived, as he looked inside, noticing all the students.
"I wonder if there's any gods in this place..." He started around, alone, checking the areas of the school. Suddenly, someone came behind him, and put his hand on Suri's shoulder. Suri felt the god-like energy through that touch. He grabbed that person's hand, and as he was about to twist it, he looked back and realized that it was Kazuya.
"Kazuya?" Suri asked.
"What's up!" Kazuya smiled, as his two friends waved.
"Who are these?"
"Oh! This is this Aether, and this is Zamuno. They're new transfer students."
"Can to you privately?"
"Sure bud!" Kazuya agreed, as they went to a silent corner.
"You're a god, Kazuya! Having friends would lead to them being threatened by our enemies and could potentially lead to their deaths! Did you think about these consequences before?!" Suri said.
"I can't stay alone dude...I'm an energetic guy. Plus, I'll always be by their side and protect them." Kazuya smiled.
Suri sighed in disbelief, looking at Kazuya. " careful and try not to get them killed..."
"Your wish is my command, the dark god." Kazuya said, going back to his friends.
The bell rang, and everyone went to their classes. Each student was sitting next to their friend, except Suri. He went to sit in the back right corner of the class that was next to a window, not wanting to sit next to anybody. Yet, it didn't work. A girl came and sat next to him. "Can I sit here?" She asked nicely, with a warm tone. Despite Suri wanting to sit alone, he nodded, as she sat down. He was confused, and wanted to ask her why, of all people, she decided to sit next to him, but he realized it would probably be impolite and rude to do so.
"Your name is Suri, right?" Suri was surprised.
"How do you know?"
"A lot of teachers were talking about were one of the smartest students in other schools. By the way, my name is Yae... should've introduced myself first." She giggled hesitantly.
"That smile..." He said to himself, looking at her emotionlessly.
The teacher came in, and started a lesson after a brief introduction.
7 hours later:
The final bell rang. Suri was almost next to the school's gate, as he heard his name being called.
"Suri!!!!!" Yae screamed. She finally caught up to him, as she started breathing heavily. "You forgot...your pencil case..."
"Oh...didn't even notice..."
"I know...I also didn't write anything..." Yae said while panting.
"Yeah...I was too tired to do so. I'll probably write them at home..." Suri stated.
"Do you have anyone's number that will probably send you everything you didn't write?"
Suri stood there for a minute, silently, knowing that he doesn't have anyone's contact information.
"I guess not..." She handed him a paper after writing her number. "Here's my number...I'll send you everything today, don't worry."
"Thank you..." He said with his eyes slightly wide-open.
"Bye now!" Yae smiled, waving at him before leaving.
Suri kept standing still, looking at her walking.
"Why is she so...clingy to me...despite me not showing her any attention..." He was confused and shocked at the same time, as he walked back home.
Days and days have passed by. Suri and Yae are becoming closer to each other, and they're now best friends and talk to each other daily. Suri is still the smartest at his new school, passing absolutely everyone, and Yae is trying her best to achieve more than him and try to beat him. When he turned 18, everything changed.
April 28th:
It was Suri's 18th birthday. He hasn't told anyone about it, except Yae, his one and only friend. His last gift was the necklace he got from his real father. He went to school like any other normal day. Yae greeted him as he entered. He greeted her back, and she started blushing. Noticing her bright red face, Suri became confused, sending that she's planning on doing something. She handed him a small box, and put her hands behind her back as she smiled.
"Please...accept this gift from me...happy 18th birthday..." She said hesitantly and nervously. Suri's eyes were wide-open, shocked, as he opened the gift, and saw a bracelet with a crescent moon.
"I was trying to find something better than this online and in shops, but I couldn't find I just decided to make this bracelet by myself, hoping you would like it...I noticed the crescent moon on your I decided to make this bracelet to match it..." She laughed nervously.
"This is...handmade..." Suri said as she nodded. He...smiled.
"Thank much, Yae." He looked at Yae with a pure smile...the first smile in 4 years.
"You smiled..." She looked at him with puppy eyes. "You smiled!!" she started jumping up and down, expressing her excitement.
"You made me smile." He said, smiling at her jumps. He wore the bracelet and it fits perfectly, and it looks delightful on him.
"I'm happy I chose you to be my friend." He said, as she giggled happily.
2 hours later:
All the students were in their classes, studying and working, as the ground started shaking.
"Earthquake?!" Most students said, including Yae.
"'s a cursed beast." Suri said to himself, indicating the presence of a cursed spirit.
"WHERE IS THE DARK GOD!!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!" The huge beast said, as everyone stood next to the window, looking at him.
"Why are you LOOKING AT MEEE!!" He shouted as he threw a huge boulder at them. Luckily enough, Suri was there to stop it with his powers. Everyone ran away and went to the end of the hallway and into the last class, including Yae, who looked back at Suri, confused.
"What..." the beast was speechless. "HOW DID YOU STOP ONE OF MY STRONGEST ATTACKS?!"
Suri jumped out of the window.
"I am the one you seek." He said with a cold-blooded facial expression, as he transformed to the dark god's form with the mask on his waist.
"SO YOU DECIDED TO SHOW YOURSELF! THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!!" The beast started approaching Suri quickly.
"Whatever." Suri summoned the katana of the cosmos, and got in position, touching the handle of it, and slowed down time. He took the katana out, and was ready to slice the beast. Before doing so, he accidentally looked at the window he jumped out of, and saw Yae...
"Yae!" he said, as he shook his head. Yae disappeared, it was only his imagination. He sighed, and looked back at the beast.
"Let the shadows be upon you." He said, slicing through the beast completely, causing him to explode. He let his palm out, sucking the whole dead body of the beast into it, making it disappear.
"Seeing Yae was just a hallucination..." suddenly, Kazuya appeared.
"Kazuya is here for the rescue!!" He said as he checked his surroundings, and one.
"You think I'm going to wait for you? It's your fault for being absent."
"Oh c'mon!! I was out with Yoru, school is boring." He looked at Kazuya, and noticed that he didn't have his mask on, yet was in the dark god's form.
"You learned how to transform without the mask huh? How?"
"I became one with the's a long story...I can't say it right now..." He responded.
" time we meet, tell me the whole story, catch ya later." He disappeared.
The Story:

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