Kiss Kiss K.O~!

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A normal day at the lounge. You, In the VIP room, sitting next to Azul while you both did work together. Things were peaceful, and Azul was there, which made everything better.

While you worked, your attention drifted to Azul. You wanted him to talk to you. Or kiss you. Or maybe you wanted to kiss him. Something like that.

"Hey, Azul!" You said.

"Yes?" He said, a smug grin on his face. "Would you like something? Perhaps you're lonely? If so, I'd be more than happy to shower you with my affections as you please. You need only ask."

That wasn't even what you wanted to do, but now you were flustered, damnit! Damn your boyfriend and his silver tongue! And damn you for liking this so much!

"I- uh, just-" he snickered as you gave up, and you realized you were pouting. Damnit.

"Really, now," he said, holding your hand up in a may that did more damage to your heart than any of those triple-deep-fried foods they sold at state fairs. "You look positively adorable like this! How could I possibly resist?"

You weren't sure what exactly he couldn't resist until he kissed your hand. Your face was burning. This shouldn't've been such a big deal. It was fine. You were fine.

You were not fine. You glared at Azul. He did this to you . This was his fault. He shouldn't have been so insanely charming. Why was he so hot?

"My, my," he said. "It seems as if you're having trouble concentrating. Is something ailing you?"

Yep, something was ailing you. And you knew the cure.

You leaned in real to press a quick kiss to his mole. Kissing Azul made everything better.

"This was about you, you know," he said. "I think I ought to be the one kissing you, rather than the other way around."

He seemed perfectly smug while he talked, and someone might think he didn't like being kissed. But the red on his cheeks said otherwise.

"No, No," you said. "Let's keep going."

You pressed a kiss to his cheek, grinning at the shudder he couldn't keep in. And then you pressed another, slightly lower than the first. And another. And another, until-

"Y-You!" Azul screeched, face bright red. "This is highly unprofessional!"

Good thing you didn't have a profession, then. That meant you'd get to do this more.

"And?" You said, pressing another kiss, this time to his nose, laughing as he failed around in his chair. "I like doing this. You look adorable when you get all flustered."

He'd said that last sentence to you so many times before. It felt so good throwing it back at him.

"I am not adorable." He said. "I am a businessman, I am intimidating, not-"

You cut him off by kissing him right next to the lips. He looked away from you, scowling.

"What happened to that grin when you were kissing me a few minutes ago?" You asked. "Is it that you can't take what you dish out?"

Although you didn't think it was possible, his face somehow got redder. He looked away, too embarrassed to meet your eyes. He looked so pretty when he was flustered. Actually, he was pretty in general.

Really, you were lucky to have him. He was so pretty, so perfect.

"T-That isn't true in the slightest," Azul mumbled.

Oops. Did you just say that out loud? Whatever. Azul deserved to hear nice things about himself anyway.

But he was denying it. That wouldn't do at all.

Without warning, you kissed him, this time, trailing down his face with more kisses until he finally pushed you away with a yelp.

"Stop," he pleaded, though something told you he didn't want you to stop.

"Do you really want me to stop?" You asked, grinning as he shook his head. "That's what I thought."

"Seven, if you tease me any more, I'll faint," Azul groaned, and you couldn't help but chuckle.

"Right," you said, leaning in to kiss him again.

And then he fainted.

He just fainted. Because you kissed him too much. Were you going to laugh, or panic because the twins might get here and grill you on what happened any moment?

The door slamming open answered that question for you.

In walked Jade, polite face turning into one that screamed murder as he looked at Azul's limp body.

"My, my," he said, "care to explain what happened here?"

You got where he was coming from. Azul, who'd been fine that morning, fainting out of nowhere? And you were the only person in the room with him? You would blame you too if you were him.

Right after him, walked Floyd, who gave you an annoyed look after seeing Azul's body.

"Hey, Grouper Fish," Floyd changed your old nickname to that ever since you'd started dating Azul. Something, something, symbiotic relationship, you vaguely recalled Jade explaining. "What happened here?"

"Well-" you realized how dumb your explanation sounded. There was no way the twins would believe it. "I, uh, can't say."

Jade raised an eyebrow.

"You are aware that your words give me reason to believe Azul s current state is your doing, no?"

"Yeah," you said, gulping.

"Can I squeeze Grouper Fish now, Jade?" Floyd said.

"Not yet," Jade said before gesturing to the security camera. "It would be best to review the security camera footage before jumping to conclusions."

He turned to you.

"Meanwhile," he said, "Would you mind bringing Azul to his room?"

You nodded, breathing a sigh of relief. The twins would realize what actually happened. You were safe.

A bit of struggling later, you managed to get Azul to his room. Now, all you had to do, was wait.

A while later, Azul woke up.

"What- happened?" He groaned, before flushing red as the memories came back to him. "Ah."

"Sorry, Azul," you said. "I probably should've toned it down a little."

"No, no," he said. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm simply- not used to such gestures of affection."

"I think that's a bit of an understatement," you said. "Anyways, Jade and Floyd came and saw you fainted. I was scared, dude. Thought they were gonna turn me into fish food."

"I apologize for that," he said. "Please accept a free meal at the lounge ad compensation."

You nodded in acceptance, though you were probably going to try and pay for it on secret anyways.

"Wait." Azul said, eyes wide.


"The twins have access to the security camera footage. They likely saw everything that happened."

"And?" You asked, before it hit you. "Oh. Sorry."

"Ugh," he groaned. "I'm never going to hear the end of this!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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