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Long ago after Lucifer and Lilith were cast out of heaven Lilith became pregnant. Months later during the birth she didn't allow Lucifer in because the birth became difficult. It was hours and hours before she finally gave birth. She glanced down at the beautiful baby in her arms and smiled. Her first cry was hypnotic. Lilith watched as the demon midwife's face turned blank and then she looked confused.

"What am I doing here?" Lilith looked down at her little girl amazed.

She held a power similar to hers. A power that could ensure that she would be the new queen of hell. Lilith used her voice to put her child to sleep.

"My daughter has passed, please go notify Lucifer." Lilith stood with her daughter as the midwife rushed out.

"You will become the future queen of hell. No one can know of you. I must leave you with someone I trust. Someone I know will take care of you as their own. Someone whose soul I own," Lilith snapped her fingers and a pregnant woman appeared before her, "you will take my child and raise her. Make her your own. No one must know she is mine until the time she steps up to take over the mantle as Queen. If you take her and promise to raise her as your own, our deal is void and your soul is yours with all your powers intact. If you do this and ensure she spends one year in every circle of hell when she gets older than your soul will stay yours. Can you do this for me Carmilla?"

"If I do, my soul is free," Lilith nodded, "then I will do this. I will ensure that she lives to your qualifications."

"One more thing, Carmilla." Carmilla gave her full attention to Lilith.

Lilith looked down at her first born daughter.

She had to give her up. She knew her husband was a dreamer and she didn't want this child to take after him. She feared that if she stayed her little girl would take after her father, but because she had a gift with her voice Lilith needed her to take after her mother. However, in this case Carmilla would have to suffice. Lilith kissed her daughter's forehead.

"My beautiful little Evelyn. You will be a beautiful woman and a strong Queen. Carmilla, please raise her as your own," Lilith put her beautiful firstborn in Carmilla Carmine's arms, "I promise I will do as you ask, my Queen."

"I will forever be in your debt," Lilith kissed her little one's head, "you will be my successor little one. Good luck."

Lilith snapped her fingers and Carmilla and her little one were gone.

One day I will no longer be in Hell. My little Evelyn. You will be one of the rulers of Hell.

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