0. Mett The Characters

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Introducing our DM, creator of Sangre and all the NPCs, Mett (mettudarwee)! Also known as the Cosmic Sheep (or as I call him, Cos-Mett sheep) by the denizens of his world. He is god. He is a… merciful god, to say the least. Our goal is to defeat Jaseros Var Vontois, a godlike being who is waging war on the continent of Valdania and spreading a deadly plague. He has been stopped by no man nor god and we are like the worst people to be trying to change that fact.

But of course, we have to talk about the party itself! I will also include those that are benched since they still play vital roles in this fic.

First we have Saito Garon! Guy with a greatsword (that's his son, Senjitsu) and adds rune magic to his fighting style. He has bouts of insanity when he talks about the players. He is a strange man from the south. Also makes a ton of Kamen Rider references I'll never get. He's on a quest to return his son into human form.

Then there's Emeric. Just Emeric. I have asked if there's more to his name but no. It's just Emeric. He is from the faraway land of Syliria, here to rid this continent of a corruption known as Crimson. He likes to burn things. Things get really heated when he burns certain things.

Now let me introduce to you our normal, average joe: Mithril Mudshield. Raised by dwarves, but that's not relevant to anything. He has pets. He can also build contraptions, like his lovely barrel Bessie, the true MVP of Ichor and Agony (yes, that's our name). Unfortunately, he has a phobia of blood and gore… in our campaign of blood and gore.

And then there's my character, Crest Carias Fell. Ran away from her home in the Elemental Plane of Water. She has a magic book that lets her contact the only person who ever actually liked her: her patron (whose name I won't spill because the party hasn't learnt and I know you're reading this, guys). She's a real fish out of water, usually quiet, and is learning social cues of this dimension. By the way, never call her “it” or “thing”.

Unfortunately Mithril left, because there was too much blood in this blood campaign. So we got introduced to this bitch, Nephila Haniel. She tried to corrupt us. Too bad we were already corrupted. She's evil and wants to watch the party die an entertaining death. We don't know why we kept her. Also she's a telepath and does weird mind hijinks. (She can also talk to the players but that's some non-canon bullcrap that happens out of game) She is a ‘bard’.

Our wonderful next addition is a proud dwarf paladin, Ulthar Warspeke. He can only think in terms of food and alcohol. I mean seriously. He was introduced drunk as hell and fistfought some dude. His opponent's nose got torn off. He's always hungry. He aspires to devour Sangre one day. He also had a wife who recently died, and he aims to save her by ascending into a god. She is currently just a hand infected by Crimson.

Lastly, a new member that's only been around two sessions as I'm writing this, Pluton! A replacement character for Saito. Pluton is a satyr exiled from his homeland in the Feywild. Unfortunately, he is stuck in ever-growing armour so I don't know what he truly looks like. He's been a nice guy so far.

Now that we're acquainted, you are finally prepared to witness our stupidity in full display.

But jokes aside, we do deal with disturbing topics and you should be aware that we have some messed up things going on in our fun little game. Caution is advised.

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