Chapter 01

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- They will have a HEA.
- English is just a second language for me, forgive me for any mistakes.

Everything is almost done, thankfully. At last, the moving part is.

I just moved to this new place, a wonderful apartment with lots of space, good lighting and great neighborhood. This is one of the first achievements I've made all by myself and I can't express with words how much happiness I am feeling right now.

I start to dance around my living room full of pure contentment and, not even all the boxes, bags, furniture and books scattering around can stop me from giggling. That's it, I have my own place. My own bright new space!

Yet, there is just this someone who is not satisfied. My judgemental cat, Mimi (a female white ragdoll) is looking at me with absolute displeasure, knowing I am the cause for disturbing her peaceful little life, with all the carrying, driving, moving and raising that have been made recently. (I understand you, Mimi. I totally understand you).

I pet her for a little bit, trying to convince her to love me yet again, but it seems like this is not going to happen anytime soon. She dashes through the room and hides herself in one of the empty boxes placed in the ground.

Okay, Mimi, I will let you alone... for now.

Looking around the room, I feel so tired but I just want to have everything settled and in its rightful place so, my thinking is, the sooner I arrange everything, the better it will be for me. It's not even lunchtime yet so I have plenty of time to do some real progress.

Some hours later, I have cleaned up some of the boxes, organized the most important itens of my closet and bathroom, and was about to make some work in the kitchen, when someone knocked on my door.

I think it must be one of my new neighbors coming to say hello.

I go to the door, open it and freeze with my mouth slightly open, looking to the most dashing man I've ever seen in a long time. I blink slowly, trying to clear my vision, but he is still there and is in fact, returning my stare.

He is tall, like, really tall, with a fit body, light blond hair and intriguing tattoos displayed in his arms.

He is standing in my front door with a relaxed posture, carrying a box on his hands, that seems to be from some bakery.

A vision from heaven!

- Hey there neighbor - He says, smiling warmly at me - I live just next door, name is Mason. I'm sorry I wasn't here to help with the moving. But now that I've seen you, I am really, really sorry I wasn't here - He continues, looking at me intently - But I've brought you some welcome baked goods and I can help you with anything you need. I am at your disposition - He finalizes, offering me the box and a huge smile.

Oh my... oh my...!

He even has a nice, husky voice. And so very nice manners!

- Oh, thank you... I mean, it's very nice of you - I say, taking the box from his hands - But there is no need, I mean... you must be busy. There is really...

- No problem, darling - He interrupts - I am free. Let me help you, yeah?

Surely, he is justing being polite?

- Okay, I think you could help, but just if you wish. If you need to leave anytime, please feel free to leave. I won't mind at all. And if you say you are busy I will totally....

- I am not busy, darling. Your name? - He asks.

- I am Mia.

- Hum... I like it. Invite me in? - He asks, giving one step closer.

Neighbor's Feelings - Regretful NeighborWhere stories live. Discover now